In the grocery store, Rimping in the thai city of Chiang Mai has taken alternative measures in its quest to reduce the consumption of plastic packaging, writes Forbes.
On social media spread the photos from the store showing the cucumbers and other foods wrapped in sturdy, green leaves. In order to keep the blade in place used a piece of bamboo.
a total of nine billion tons of plastic ever produced has only nine per cent recycled, and the question whether the plastic has taken more place in the climate debate.
I voted in the EU parliament, through a prohibition of certain kinds of engångsplast such as disposable cutlery, bomullstops and straws. A couple of years ago also entered legislation in force in Sweden, which means that all stores must describe how their plastic bags affect the environment.
it Now remains to see if bananbladsförpackningar is a force to be reckoned with even in our country. In Swedish eyes, perhaps, the organic solution appears to be progressive, but in both Mexico, Hawaii, and Southeast asia, the banana leaves have long been used to wrap white separated food such as tamales, roast pork and rice.
the fly in the ointment. The prices of banana leaves can differ enormously depending on the asset, according to Forbes. An alternative would therefore be to use alternative biodegradable products on the places where the bananas are, so to speak, do not grow on trees.