Otto Gebauer, a office in Berlin is looking for at least once. “In Venezuela, a tragedy happens, it is becoming clearer by the day that a Communist dictatorship is erected,” says the opposition politician, in an interview with the daily mirror. Its slopes match up the Dilemma of the Germans is revealed, but foreign policy: Gebauer, the son of a German and a Venezuelan, is understood as a new Ambassador, sent by interim President Juan Guaidó. But the Foreign office does not recognise him as such – although it is recognised Guaidó, President of the former national Assembly, as interim President of the country with the largest Oil reserves.

“No government in the EU recognizes us as ambassadors, we are regarded as the representatives of the transitional government of Juan Guaidó,” says Gebauer (51). But in power, Nicolás Maduro, has not been overthrown in spite of all the international pressure – he is a political Survivalist. Because he and his supporters have simply too much to lose, if it would be met come to the power exchange: extradition to the United States, imprisonment, revenge. Many socialists and members of the military have enriched themselves – hundreds of people died in protests or disappeared in prisons, the United States, accusing the government of in addition to operate cocaine trade on a large scale.

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Who holds Maduro, the rod, some kind of food. And those who can afford to fly private jets to go shopping to Miami. Because the fuel is so cheap. Up to three million people have fled, in addition to the dramatic supply crisis and the highest Inflation in the world in spite of the oil wealth to several derelict Land, the power went out several days, Maduro has sacked his energy Minister.

Caracas is in many ways a Black Box, and also Germany and the EU were wrong. They thought, in the Wake of US President Donald Trump could help a recognition of the young Guaidó (35), a rapid roll-over. But now Maduro is pulling in the reins, Guiadó should be deprived of the immunity but it could repeat the fate of others, with great hopes of opposition leaders such as Leopoldo López – carried out under flimsy reasons, firmly, and politically turned off. The people are afraid of the infamous Colectivos, thugs on motorcycles, are increasingly on the go.

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China and Russia have invested billions, most recently, around a hundred Russian soldiers landed to support in Caracas. It’s a lot, especially the access to the Oil. Trump says all options are on the table, but in Venezuela to intervene? Hardly.

Otto Gebauer sees itself as the new Ambassador of Venezuela’s interim government.Photo: Promo

foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) was initially unable to even pronounce the name of the man he left as the interim President acknowledge that he spoke of Juan Guaidano. Unusually enough for the German foreign policy, that a man was recognised, had to call in reference to an incorrect course of the presidential election, even as an interim President.

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battle in Venezuela opposition chief Guaidó power shall be deprived of immunity

The German Ambassador in Caracas, Daniel Kriener, was out of the country thrown in. Venzuelas regular Ambassador, however, is still in Berlin. While Guaidós messenger Gebauer has not yet found an office.