Everyone has heard that president Donald Trump is not listening to advisers and ignore what the US’s 17 intelligence agencies. In the summer, he was after all next to the colleague Vladimir Putin at a press conference in Helsinki and said: ”I see no reason why it would be Russia, which was responsible for the hack of the (u.s.) election.”

Has Trump himself or Fox News really better agents inside the teokratins Iran than the intelligence services?

just Putin and the russians no doubt were the ones who interfered in the election, in order to help Trump to win, has for long time been the common conclusion from his own security organisations.

trumpets president of the united states is now once again out. And it applies in principle to the whole of the report on the assessment of the global threats that the intelligence services introduced in the senate in the week. It is worth noting that, for example, the national underrättelsechefen Dan Coats and CIA director Gina Haspel both of which are designated by Trump himself.

north Korea do not intend to scrap its nuclear weapons because the regime sees them as a life insurance policy, the report says. Trump explained after their meeting with the dictator Kim Jong-Un in the last year that north Korea was no longer any nuclear threat.

the destabilising factor throughout the Middle east, but the ayatollahs have suspended development of nuclear bombs. Kärnteknikavtalet, Trump has let the united states withdraw from, work. ”You are passive and naive”, thunders the president on Twitter.

And terrorrörelsen is is not defeated, contrary to Trump’s claims. And cyberhotet from Russia (and China) is as real as during the u.s. presidential election in 2016. However, underrättelsecheferna not much to spare for the dangers to the national security, which Trump thinks are lurking on the border with Mexico.

is good to have, especially for a superpower like the united states. Risks and threats can pop up anywhere. But what is the point if the commander does not believe in what the analysts say? Wondered should also Trump instead get their information from. Yes, he watch a lot of cable tv. But he has found himself or the Fox News really better agents inside the teokratins Iran than expertmyndigheterna?

the CIA and others do their job regardless of Trump, but fills actually also a bifunktion. The president calls it the most coming from the traditional media fejknyheter. But the reality of underrättelseorganen, with all their human and technical resources, do not differ much from the serious press. Vrångbilden turns out to be in the White house.

says that a blue car is red, it does not mean that it is red.