the Newspaper has allowed himself to be irritate by the Vedums simplistic criticism of bureaucrats in Oslo as the bikes on the ELECTRIC bike.

Fake antielitisme is not the same as good maktkritikk Comment

What is law Vedums elitekritikk often is simplified and the player on the false dichotomies between town and country, or high and low. But the Newspaper and Ola Magnussen Rydje, who have defended the lederartikkelen against criticism from Klassekampens nyhetssjef Mímir Kristjánsson, seems to forget, is that simplification is a part of the velregisserte strategy.

Politikertyper as Vedum is quite dependent on the commentators, that Rydje, the pieces on and allow themselves to provoke in order to create a konfliktlinje between “people and elite”.

We should listen to the Vedums elitekritikk Comment

Rydje miss understandably more discussion about the substance and “the politikkområdet”.

I share Rydjes desire, but we must not forget that Vedum talking issue for many. It is in Vedum and other politicians ‘ interest to present themselves as the only ones that speak the people’s case. A simplified rhetoric, which appeal to frustrated voters, can help ensure that politicians amplifier sakseierskapet to specific policy areas.

Moreover, we should also not forget that Vedum also have important points between the populist spissformuleringene. For example, is not all by the EEA agreement good for all. It is easy to criticize the car use for us who don’t have or need a car, etc.

The yellow vestene in Paris is a warning, also to the Norwegian politicians Debate

By to hang out too much up in the rhetoric one stands unfortunately easy at the risk of being perceived as a critic who also avfeier case. How to attack the velregisserte antielitismen there is no simple answer, but many times it may be useful to ignore the rhetoric, and rather provide their own and any better answers to the political issues discussed.