“are you going To get ahead here in life, you will create scandal, for fuck. It can be hard the month or the ten minutes it says, but you make money on it. And those who create scandal, you know it!”

Quotation, Dag Solstad, is from an interview in the latest issue of the Window and is really quite refreshing said. Forfatterhøvdingen irritating over the artists and writers who complain that it costs you to go out with people. The validity is fairly common. Cynical seen pays to create scandal. You are noticed, you when out.

Just ask Jarle Aabø, the man behind the nyhetsavisa “Yes to the car in Oslo” and Facebook page “Yes to your car” (previously “Yes to the car in Oslo”, but now renamed to cover the whole country).

during the nearly two years this side has been active, has Aabø collected 21 000 members and herostratisk fame. With a heavy political bias towards the environmental policy of Oslo in general, the MDGS in particular and selected members, in particular, has Aabø been accused of running a page that generates verbal abuse and threats. It refutes he the strongest. At the same time, he continues to make bildemanipulasjoner of Hitler as an illustration to a sitatsak with Oslo-yesterday Raymond Johansen (because Johansen mentions Hitler in passing in an interview with ABC News), and he attempts to enroll itself into the MDG.

This week, it has emerged that he has purchased the internet domain with the name of his nemesis, the MDG-politician Eivind Trædal. On the website, which shall bear the Trædals name, he will reach towards the municipal elections publish screenshots from Trædal and others, to show that also the hetser. “We have thousands of screenshots. There is no group that hetser more than the green”, has Aabø posted in a thread on the Facebook-side, according to Dagens Næringsliv.

It was only in the year that I again dared to take part in the social debate Debate

very calm redaktørvirksomhet, that is. Before christmas became the “Yes to the car in Oslo” accepted as a member in the trade press, before the membership shortly afterwards was pulled back. The reasoning was devastating: “the Reality of the business, overall, seems to me most as a pure political campaign against the samferdselspolitikken which are carried by the current city council in Oslo, and at the enkeltpolitikerne that promotes this policy.”

Aabø was furious.

This is a good example of how the effective PR-man Jarle Aabø meets its Waterloo. At the same time as Aabøs talent for scandals and the attention lift him up to the position as the posterboy for bilistenes interests, weakens his own case. The interests he represents are legitimate, and have many sympathizers. But Jarle Aabø is not exactly the yellow vestene. Or Dag Solstad, for that matter. He is also no rabulist, he is a good, old-fashioned tormentor. Jarle Aabø contribute equally to bilistenes case, as he gives the car an image issue.

Hard out against the “navnetyv”:
– Bunnivå in the political method