The Berlin SPD is always good for a Surprise. What was the last year of the party Congress decision to support of feminist porn, is after the Congress, from Sunday, with a large majority, adopted a resolution 109/I/2019 “to ban advertising for all military organizations”.

A spell for soldiers, in schools, on the role of the armed forces, a parliamentary army? And this from a party that sees itself in the Tradition of Helmut Schmidt as a supporter of the troops? This decision of the Comrades in the capital can also be understood in the Federal level, only a few. According to horrified reactions.

“This is a schluderiger request, with a lack of justification of it sticking up,” says the spokesman of the conservative how to circle in the SPD, Johannes Kahrs, in an interview with the daily mirror. The application is characterized by a “healthy Dose of ignorance”. “You realize that the people who wrote it have not informed properly in the first place,” says the Colonel in the Reserve. The Berlin Comrades had better rims first of all, the Berlin Bundestag Deputy Fritz loyalty questions, the security and defence policy spokesman of the SPD group in the Bundestag.

Oppermann speaks of the “nonsense”

A basic problem of the application is that a lot of it is a mess. Kahrs himself admits that one could discuss about recruitment events to Promote the profession of the soldier for young people. But the Berlin Comrades explicitly mention officers, the information events of Youth, where you write incorrectly from “the young officer*internal”.

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youth officers for pure Information responsible order, “as expert speakers, open to questions to the security policy, and controversies in a factually competent contributions”, as they themselves emphasize. Since it’s also about to face German opponents. Or explain what is the role of NATO and the United Nations, or what are the consequences of regional crises and conflicts.

the application is for the Berlin SPD, a left-wing country Association wants to enforce, obviously, a General soldiers spell schools: “To Kill and to Die, you do no advertising. Therefore, we call for the immediate stop of all advertising measures of a military organizations of the German primary and secondary schools.“

The Berlin SPD emphasized in the amendment to be adopted: “Alone in the year 2015, the Bundeswehr has kept 8100 lectures in German schools about 140.000 pupils. Further 3200 lectures of the young officer,*come inside in front of a total of 125,000 young people. The students are in an age in which the Central life and values still need to develop. “Accordingly, susceptible you are to military Propaganda and ignorance to the real dangers of a military operation.” Reference is also made to the fact that the suicide rate among soldiers is higher than in the Rest of the population. “So 30 soldiers took on in 2015 is the life.”

it was just the SPD, which has promoted the model of the citizen in Uniform always, and with defence Ministers, such as Peter Struck as a lawyer in the Parliament army has understood, which may also inform in schools.

According to harsch is also the ruling of the Deputy Chairman of Bundestag Thomas Oppermann (SPD): He was appalled by the decision of the Berlin SPD, “the youth officers of the Bundeswehr to ban schools”. The German army was democratic, with a Parliament, army, he said on Twitter. “The soldiers deserve our respect. Who decides such nonsense, should think himself of our schools.“

WT welcomed the “bold step”

For the SPD, it is a debate at an inopportune time – and again an example of going it alone and positionings that leave many citizens puzzled. Especially as the youth officers pointed out that the Federal government had decided the constitutional court in March 1977 that the state must make a contribution to the provision of Information to citizens. “With our offer, we come to this order. As members of the armed forces, we are representatives of a democratically controlled Institution and provide us with the interested and critical Public.“

Positive about the role of the Bundeswehr is almost impossible to find, a Helmut Schmidt is expected to turn over in his grave. The designated new Berlin CDU chief Kai Wegner said: “The Berlin SPD rotates freely.” Who would the German army completely out of schools, out damage a pillar of the democratic system. “The soldiers are citizens in Uniform.”

the support comes from the education and science trade Union (GEW) – welcomes the decision of the Berlin SPD. “A very brave step,” says Ilka Hoffmann. She is a member of the WT-Federal Executive Board and responsible for the topic of school. “The UN-children rights Convention prohibits military advertising and recruiting of minors,” says Hoffmann to the daily mirror. “There can be no exceptions for the armed forces.”

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national Congress of the social Democrats, The self-expropriation of the Berlin SPD

Lorenz Maroldt

in fact, an additional prohibits Protocol to the UN children’s right to read the Convention on the forced recruitment of minors from Visiting, Information or advertising in schools in the log but nothing. For Hoffmann, it is clear that the army officers no appearances before school classes should have: “to be a soldier, or a soldier, is not a profession like any other. Not only will you learn to Kill, you can also be killed at any time,“ she says. “The way the Bundeswehr advertising, or veiled.”