Barely a year after the then minister of social affairs Annika Strandhäll (S) announced that the government would replace Ann-Marie Begler, launched the parliament’s constitutional affairs committee their review of the case. Strandhälls former state secretary Agneta Karlsson answered during the one hour on the committee’s questions.

the Image that was conveyed was that the government for a long time been dissatisfied with the way Ann-Marie Begler ruled the Insurance and that it is also taken up with the director-general repeatedly. Agneta Karlsson also says that Ann-Marie Begler voluntarily agreed to move from social Insurance to the government offices.

– In this case, there was nevertheless a consensus with the director-general that she could not be left because the government lacked confidence in her in that role, ” says Agneta Karlsson in the committee.

interview with DN said that she was forced away from the mission for political reasons, because the government have been afraid to lose the election because of the criticism of the agency. She denied then that she would have been warned by the government several times before the decision.

the committee on the constitution examines not whether it was right to Ann-Marie Begler became of the mission, but the way she made it. Several members questioned the overall, the voluntary approach in the.

” It has been clear that the director general did not share the government’s view on the reasons for the government’s lack of confidence. However, she could not be left behind when the government no longer had confidence in her, that she understood, ” says Agneta Karlsson.

the reported lack of Insurance is still a new director-general. The situation has meant that the two authorities now have interim managers on the highest positions.

on Thursday 25 april, the social insurance Annika Strandhäll to be questioned by the committee on the constitution.