Michael Cohen, an Ex-lawyer by Donald Trump, has called the US President before the US Congress as a “cheater”. “He is a racist. He is a cheater. He is a swindler,” said Cohen at the beginning of the hearing on Wednesday about the President. “I am ashamed that I have helped to disguise Mr Trumps tort, to listen instead to my own Conscience.”

The Ex-lawyer of Donald Trump, Michael Cohen, has declared that the President had instructed him to directly lie before the Congress. Background a planned construction project Trumps in Moscow, Cohen in the past, false information prior to the Congress had made. Trump does not have him, not to rely directly on the lie, so he was working, said Cohen on Wednesday before a Committee of the US house of representatives. He explained, however, that trump would have checked personal lawyers, his statement before the Congress on the time frame of the project and changed, before he had given it.

Here you can follow the hearing by Michael Cohen in the US Congress live:

“He told me in his own way, that I should lie”

Cohen also said, during the election campaign, Trump looked him in the eye and said, there is no business in Russia, though negotiations were still under way. Then he went out and lied to the American people, he said the same thing. “He told me in his own way, that I should lie.” Cohen said that Trump had told the truth, because he had never assumed that he would win the election.

In this case, the planned construction of a Trump tower in Moscow, which came in the end. Cohen had initially explained that the plans had been abandoned in January 2016. Later, he admitted, among other things, to have until approximately June 2016, and is trying to get permission from the Russian authorities for the project. He said that he had lied to protect Trump. The news portal “Buzzfeed” had reported in January that Trump had instructed him to do so. The office of special investigator Robert Mueller said, but a little later, the representation of the “Buzzfeed” contains errors.

Cohen: Trump knew from the E-Mail publication by Wikileaks

Cohen has accused the US President in addition to have in advance of the publication of hacked E-Mails from the Democrats by Wikileaks during the election campaign in 2016, knew. Trump knew that his longtime Confidant Roger Stone with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange over the publication of the E-Mails have talked to, said Cohen on Wednesday before a Committee of the US house of representatives. He added that he had been in a phone call between Trump and Stone present, in the Stone Trump about it have informed that Wikileaks will make within a few days of E-Mails made public, Hillary Clinton will be damage.

The published E-Mails shifted to Clinton in a bad light and harm you actually. Trump himself praised Wikileaks, in the election campaign, although the unveiling of a platform for American security circles is considered to be Red cloth.

Central figure in several extramarital Affairs in order to Trump

Cohen appeared on Wednesday in a dark suit with a blue tie in front of a Committee of the house of representatives, where he wanted to about his former boss ‘ statements. The 52-Year-old, who has worked for more than a decade, for Trump, is a Central figure in several Affairs to the President. He turned away from him and him into court and testify in distress. Trump accuses him of lying.

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accused The Conservatives wanted to move, Cohen’s statement. Republican Mark Meadows – a Confidant of Trump argued that the members of the Committee had not been handed over to Cohen’s statement, and other documents in a timely manner. The democratic Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings was on the request of the Republican vote, the Committee rejected it with a majority of the Democrats. (dpa)