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the Socialists ‘ top candidate in the EU elections suddenly looks very pleased. She has just told me that she voted yes to EU-membership and no to the euro.

“I have been a bit cocky and said that I got the right two,” says Heléne Fritzon.

– Swedish people think that it is important that we are in the EU, but I does not meet the requirements that we should join the common currency.

Heléne Fritzon, in a conference room at Folkets Hus in Malmö, hangs a portrait of Göran Persson. They met in the Socialists ‘ powerful executive committee during the fighting on the euro in 2003. He was the leader, she is president of the Skåne social democrats.

“We were not entirely agree at the time, no,” she says.

the EU issues have been difficult for the social democrats ever since the entry of nearly 25 years ago. Will still sprawling message from the different parts of the labour movement.

We are for freedom of movement, but we are not for any kind of free right to use the wage and salary earners and wage dumping

go to options on the message that the Swedish government has had major success in the fight for fair jobs. The case of changes in the controversial posting of workers directive.

” It means that Swedish terms and conditions shall apply when the foreign workers on Swedish soil. We are for the freedom of movement, but we are not for any kind of free right to use the wage and salary earners and wage dumping, ” says Heléne Fritzon.

at the same time has LO chose to call on the workers to ”take back control” in the EU elections in may – an echo of a slogan from the Brexitkampanjen in the Uk. The tray also has its own candidate, Johan Danielsson, number two on the S-list.

“We will carry the messages with a little different tone,” says Heléne Fritzon.

peaks of the range on the Photographic in January 2012: Outgoing party leader Håkan He is, LO-base Wanja Lundby-Wedin, former S-leader Ingvar Carlsson, the party secretary Carin Jämtin, the party leader, Stefan Löfven, the veteran Lena Hjelm-Wallén, former party leader, Göran Persson, and – in the edge of power – in the Skåne district Heléne Fritzon. Photo: Anna-Lena Mattsson

– I will not evaluate it. I have all respect for LO to formulate the pointed and sharp. It is the LO’s campaign.

” No, I would not express it quite the same but I can understand the spirit. It is important that, together, we stand up for fair conditions all the way in the EU.

” It is clear that the LO knows that it is a very important work to be done, that we really see that it works. Even today, the exploited people in the Swedish labour market.

It can either mean more cooperation in the EU, or we can face a collapse of the european integration policy,

the social democrats for the first time to face the voters after januariavtalet settlement agreement with the Liberals and the Centre party, which gave the government the Video: a second chance.

There is an agreement that LO criticized hard. But Heléne Fritzon refuses to talk about a rift in the labor movement.

” We stand up very strongly when we say that we will do everything to keep away the xenophobic forces. Just what we have done in Sweden do we need to do in the EU.

intend to fight for in the EU elections is, in effect, an export of januariavtalets principles – an alliance between socialists and liberals in order to keep the nationalism and högerpopulismen outside.

She is one in a series of Swedish senior politicians describing the EU elections in 2019 as a ödesval.

– It can either mean more cooperation in the EU, or we can face a collapse of european policy, ” says Heléne Fritzon.

It is cool and blow up on the byggställningen in Hyllie in Malmö, sweden. Heléne Fritzon has a clear idea of how she wants to look like on the picture. “No, no coat, thank you. I think that I am standing with the hands in the sides and legs wide apart. Then I see given out,” she says. After the photo shoot, she laughs and says that she will henceforth always be photographed with the helmet – for when she is not to worry about the hairdo. Photo: Anette Nantell

During his years as a councillor in the city of Kristianstad was Heléne Fritzon and created a blocköverskridande cooperation with the Centre party and the Liberals. The ability to collaborate was described as one of her merits, when she in the summer of 2017, and in the commotion around the Swedish transport agency, was appointed minister in the government Leaves.

his gaze to the parliament’s ALDE group of liberal parties.

– Which included the Liberals and the Centre party from the Swedish side.

” We’ll see what the voters give us the political map. But there are the green parties. There are also parties like the Swedish Left party cooperates. If you seriously decide from the democratic parties at the European level to take the struggle against the right-wing, when it is necessary to work together.

According to forecasts, the S-group to weaken in the parliament once again.

“It is clear that the red map of Europe have seen very much redder,” says Heléne Fritzon.

01:00. the Party’s EU policy in a minute.

a handful of EU countries, led by the socialist government of Spain, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Malta – and so Sweden, Stefan Löfven, is now in his second term of office.

– There are very high expectations of Swedish social democracy, ” says Heléne Fritzon.

All the party groups in the european Parliament have their problems. In the socialist group, it is mainly about the Romanian governing party PSD, which is accused of obstructing the fight against corruption and to protect corrupt politicians. The Swedish social democrats has demanded that the PSD shall be temporarily disabled from the s-group in the EUROPEAN parliament.

– It is a way to press so that the romanians will return to us in the socialist community at a EUROPEAN level and is actually doing and makes the right.

also includes the Danish social democrats. They have in recent years moved closer to the Dansk Folkeparti and authoritarian proposal, which to settle the immigrants from non-western countries should be allowed to stay.

– In the issue of migration, which has not been agreed between our two parties, between Sweden and Denmark.

” I am very critical of the cooperation which the Danish friends have been open. Where have we been very clear in Sweden that we want to keep them from outside influence.

the Swedish government has long fought for the EU to have more power in migration policy.

” No, I would not say. There is a shelf among the member states that it wants a compromise so that it will be responsible and jointly and severally. However, there is a very active resistance from a number of countries, with Hungary in the lead.Sweden will not release the social policy

Höör 5 February 2007. Heléne Fritzon, which is Skånedistriktets chairman meets the then partiledarkandidaten Mona Sahlin. Photo: Drago Prvulovic / TT /

” Well, there must be a common solution.

” we have had success in the negotiations. Both the Bulgarian presidency and the previous presidency, has brought the question forward. The heads of state and heads of government have sat down and given a mission. So I really hope that it will arrive in this.

If the common migration policy has been one of the government Löfvens pet projects in the EU, so is the so-called social pillar of the other. It is 20 points with the recommendations of the social rights of Europe’s citizens can expect.

The political opponents warned that the EU may gain the power of the Swedish social policy.

– There are parties in Sweden who are trying to whip up a mood that ”now we will not be able to decide for themselves”. It is actually a deliberately incorrect description, ” says Heléne Fritzon.

– Sweden will not release social. The social pillar is about improving the people’s living and working conditions. Right-wing parties in Sweden simply have a different view on it.

Sara Skyttedal (KD): Orbán and Macros are equally destructive
Malin Björk (V): I want to see a european airline tax
Peter Lundgren (SD): We have a red line against Russia,