The failed attempt to overthrow Nicolás Maduro is doing to the opposition leader Juan Guaidó no longer knows how he should go about it to get the military on their side.

He has admitted that he underestimated the military’s loyalty to the regime.

the Failure did to Guaidó, who also is president of the national assembly, raised his voice for a U.S.-led military invasion of the country. In order to avoid a large-scale conflict that pits the world’s three largest militärmakter the united states, China and Russia, who have different interests in Venezuela, against each other, has now Norway has offered to mediate between the parties.

behind the complex, but successful fredsförhandlingen between the marxist guerrillas, the Farc and the colombian state. The peace agreement put an end to a 50-year-old conflict that killed a kvartsmiljon people and created five million internally displaced persons. Norway’s intention now is to mediate between Nicolás Maduro, who considers himself to be the country’s folkvalde president, and the opposition leader Juan Guaidó as over 50 countries in the world, including Sweden, considers to be Venezuela’s legitimate president.

“I can confirm that a dialogue is started, but can’t go into details,” says Juan Jorge Valero, Venezuelan ambassador to the united nations to the BBC.

the Opposition leader Juan Guaidó admits that he ”sent someone” to Norway, but he denies that negotiations have begun.

, is the most clearly supported the opposition’s attempt to overthrow Maduro and think that Juan Guaidó deserve respect for the fact that he is ”considering every opportunity for a peaceful transition to democracy”. At the same time warns the senator that the regime in Venezuela can do as it did last time when the negotiations took place in the Dominican republic a year ago. In order to gain time to strengthen the ranks at home in Venezuela, the conned regime the world by participating in the negotiations but be prepare to negotiate.

”Guaidó and his team will not go into some false negotiations,” writes Marco Rubio on Twitter.

this time is that many generals tired of Nicolás Maduro. He no longer has the same support as in the past, but in practice it is the minister of defense Vladimir Padrino who governs the country. The americans claim that they have been in negotiations with him and that he then gave his support to putting Maduro on a plane to Cuba.

however, the Question is where Vladimir Padrino would take the road? The minister of defence, suspected of having committed serious crimes against humanity by ordering the military to kill protesters. He was also suspected to be one of the masterminds in the venezuelan-colombian kokainkartellen Los Soles exporting cocaine from Colombia, via venezuela to west africa and Europe.

In the meantime, try to call is held in Oslo continues to collapse in Venezuela. Last Friday went hungry venezuelans to attack the auditorium of the university in the city journey concluded, and stole the mixer, speakers and cables in order to switch to against the food on the black market which is controlled by the regime.