If we are to believe the Swedish filmdrottningen becomes biovåren a customary mix of the wider publikfilm and narrower art film. Or ”crowdpleasers” and “arthousefilmer” if you are going to quote the Film institute’s ceo Anna Serner, verbatim.

Around the same time as Stefan Löfven presented his new government Department, introduced Serner film spring term that begins with the Tuva Novotnys directorial debut ”Britt-Marie was here,” which goes up on the 300 movie theaters on Friday. In the film adaptation of Fredrik backman’s best-seller play Pernilla August, the acidic ordningsfascisten to the housewife who break up at 63 years of age and bloom up in the meeting of the new Sweden – just as her fictional soul mate Ove.

the gaze straight out of the galaxies with the premiere of the first film adaptation of Harry martinson’s apocalyptic rymdepos “Aniara”. With impressive dödsförakt has Pella Kågerman and Hugo Lilja has taken on the task of filming Nobelpristagarens visionary poem from 1956 that arose from the cold war kärnvapenångest.

Even if Johannes Nyholms “Koko-di koko-da” has not received any night it is going to be this spring’s most eccentric cinematic experience. The film, which will have its world premiere at the Sundancefestivalen in the week, revolves around a grieving parents who attempt a kristerapeutisk tältsemester in the woods – only to be exposed by the psychological terror of a performer and his bizarre entourage. A clip from the movie gives the pure “The last journey”-vibbarna.

” Yes, it is a fantastic film and maybe there’s a similar theme here with people who are forced to face the primitive in the wilderness. But the most is probably “Koko-di koko-da,” a depiction of all of this passive aggressive, which is below the surface within all of the conditions, or at least in all the relationships I’ve had, “says Johannes Nyholm who won an Award with ‘Giant’ in 2017.

“Koko-di koko-da” Photo: Johannes Nyholm

(“Swoon”), may be considered as a brilliant arthousefilm belong to Måns Mårlinds and Björn Stein’s magnificent 40-talsdrama “Fire & flames” category “crowdpleaser”. A classic Romeo and Juliet story with star cast inspired by the real rivalry between the two nöjesfältsfamiljer on each side of the Public Alley on the island of Djurgården. For the recording djupintervjuades the descendants of the more well-heeled family who founded the Green Lund.

– After having read the script said one of the daughters to me: ”Everything is true. Even that which is true is true”, says Måns Mårlind, which in the past has worked with tv shows such as “the midnight sun” and ”the Bridge”.

more förhandsomsusade debuterna is Simon Zettergrens dramakomedi the “King of Atlantis”, which revolves around the relationship between a son and his schizophrenic and inbillningssjuka dad (played by Philip Zandén).

– the Film reflects the relationship between me and my dad. As little, I felt both shame and a great loneliness. Finally I came to a point where I had to make something constructive of my own experiences, ” says Simon Zettergren.

In the Swedish film vårtablå there is also a place for veterans to make a comeback. In the beginning of april the premiere of “Fågelfångarens son” – Richard Hoberts first film since “One way to Antibes”, which came eight years ago. The drama revolves around a faroese family with only two daughters who are at risk to lose all of its lease unless they manage to produce a son before the man fills the 39 – all according to faroese law. In order to raise the chances in the fight against the clock planning the family to getting outside help.

– It is a story that went straight to the heart when I heard it the first time. For me it is a story about trust and confidence in a loving relationship, ” says Richard Hobert.

”Lucky one” Photo: Daniel Takács

Mia Engberg has taken the time since the last film. After the acclaimed documentary “Belleville baby” (2013), she comes back with a new poetic reflection in a dreamy Paris. If the last movie revolved around her old childhood sweetheart – the French gangster Vincent – so paid ”the Lucky one” from a fictitious “what if”-scenario where Vincent has got a daughter.

” I wanted to show that violence and love can be accommodated within one and the same person. That Vincent would be able to be you and I, ” says Mia Engberg.

In the spring there will also be premiere for the half a dozen documentaries on the themes dejtningslekar between 90-talister on social media (“Mating”), colorful operadivor (“Sivandivan”), a livsbejakade refugees in (”Hamada”) and konstnärsporträttet “His Arnold – the brush of timbres”. And Folke rydén’s “Above the Babylon” where irakiern Murtada al-Hachami want to fly in a hot air balloon over their beloved homeland in order to spread peace and love.

– As a counterbalance to all the images of war and misery from the Middle east, I wanted to show this positive image of the region that is the cradle of mankind. Just when we would start filming in 2014 appeared ICE up. But now, the film is clear – it is a heartwarming feelgoodfilm which premieres in Baghdad on 14 march. You are welcome to come then! says producer Folke Rydén.

also Read: 10 movies to look forward to in the spring of 2019