the Baltic sea caught herring contains fewer environmental poison was defined dioxins and PCBS.

the THL published today in the new measurement results interesting is the fact that the EU export ban in the 19-inch big herring falls below the limit value clearly.

– 19-inch herring, the dioxin – and PCB-value is 4, when the EU limit value is 6.5, said senior researcher Panu beach bonfire Health and well – being of the institution.

environmental toxins in the amount is the bigger the bigger the fish, and not more than 17-inch herring have been exported to EU countries.

If you export a valid herring size increase would be two cents, would mean that a significant increase of the export good in quantity.

– bothnian sea catches of this 17-19 inch fork goes in 2018, according to statistics, as much as 27% of the mass, which is so export-unfit, beach bonfire said.

a beach bonfire, according to the data is now there. The next ball is the agriculture and forestry ministry, which is the responsibility of the ministry with the european commission in the negotiations.

– export the borders of the revision has been talk with the commission, but the schedule is not information.

Jyrki Lyytikkä / Yle

in Finland, has studied herring toxin concentrations from the late 1970s onwards. The long term trend has been downward.

the Reason is obvious: the sea is no longer a long time have not calculated the environmental toxins from the former model.

– PCBS end up in sea of various technical products. Their use was limited to Finland already in the 1970s. Dioxin in turn is derived from industrial and combustion processes, which began to improve in the 1980s.

THL and heart RATE are done to forecast herring toxic concentrations of development. According to the year 2022 also 19-21-inch herring would be below the EU limit values.

in practice This would mean that all of finland should be asked to herring would be the current limits in sufficiently pure for export, for over 21-inch herring is not caught in than a few percent.

Today announced the results of research can also be the impact on the domestic herring consumption. Food recommendations for children, adolescents and women of childbearing age is not recommended cancer more than 17 cm herring than a couple of times a month. Now so that recommendations can be reviewed.

the baltic Herring is by far the most important species in commercial fisheries. Marine commercial fisheries the total catch last year was 148 million pounds, with herring accounted for 126 million pounds.

Kalakas research project were involved in the Health and welfare institute (THL), the Natural resources institute finland (Luke), the Finnish environment institute (SYKE) and the kimito island located in the fish meal factory Ab Salmonfarm Ltd.

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