my Father dropped out of school before reform 94. He got lærlingplass, several vocational diploma and a good job that heismontør. He is also of the wisest people I know. A man who realize that we are playing on the same team, he and I. The skoleflinke feministen and the motorcycle, the ex-fotballspillende, the artisan.

After that the Stoltenberg committee presented their findings in NOU-a New chances – better learning earlier this month came the media soon after: “It talks less about the taper-the boys who end up on the NAV”, “Boys do it worse than girls at school, and are losers on a variety of statistics later in life”. On the debate on NRK spoke the political scientist Asle Toje about the problem with the “feminization” of the school.

We would strongly warn against a clampdown on pappapermen Leader

Lose-the boys are therefore baptized , of the parts of the media, and cause from some voices in the public debate is the vague term “feminization”. I know I get matt to follow the discussions. Both on the way they skoleflinke girls indirectly are portrayed as a problem, and they skoleleie the girls are made invisible, but also how the manual work and yrkesfagenes voices are completely absent.

I myself have grown up with a so-called “skoletaper”. Not only has he raised me and my sisters, but also football-junior league team and apprentices have been learning about community and justice of him. His name is dad, or Ove then.

no Matter. I’m tired of the way we stamps, he and his peers, deprived skoletapere. Therefore, I picked up the phone and called him:

Hey, dad. Read you my message? Are boys that fall outside the school system losers?

‘ Lose? What do you mean by that? The youths have the qualities and skills they do not get used, and that is the problem here. There is no other who loses on this than the community. Løsninga is not to take from the girls advances. They are not stupid these guys are, they just do not bother. They have lost interest.”

Is it because the school is feminisert?


“It does not have anything with the “feminization” to do. It’s absolutely stupid to say! This here is about motivation. Before reform 94 all began the skoleleie right in doctrine. I had one day at school and the rest in doctrine. Also, I got to play hockey two times a week during school hours, it avlasta both me and my class. If there had been more investment in apprentices, whether the companies had reduced the social security tax to take them into and about the students who would be in the company got tax relief, so would also more companies taken the advice to apprentices. It had helped for a part of the skoleie”

Dad. What is a man?

Amazingly enough, we do not know why girls beat guys at school Comment


“Yes. I don’t know. I can’t answer.”

But should the school “maskuliniseres”?

“Shall the school somehow consist of the gutted and the gym? Is just it man enough, somehow? Is not English, and math man enough? No. It gets too stupid, you know.”

But the men find themselves not women, they don’t have children? Women leaving them in rural areas!

“No, you have to be able to find them sjæl then. And I don’t think you can find them by doing them to the enemy. Why move the women to the urban areas? The! What shall I say to you: because their jobs are there. It might not be so many women who want to be a fisherman, farmer or work in the factory. So when you move them the. When one runs an active sentraliseringspolitikk, then it’s easy to blame it on others! Women, for example.”

Why are men so høyrevridde? The left doesn’t understand anything Comment

So what should you do then?

“I used to say this to the guys mine, then I trained football: If you are going to take part in the community you grow up in, then you need to contribute! If you want to buy you nice car, apartment, obtain your family, then you must take your education or get a job and pay taxes. If you do not want to help, so you can’t demand to be a part of our community. There it is.”

So why do I feel that these debates ends up with to lay the blame on the women?

“See for yourself that you begin to talk shit about a on your job, so you get a and another to. When will the fourth and fifth often hang up automatically. The more negative things about women there are in society, the more will believe in it. It escalates.”

Yes, it is enough what I know now.

“To call the boys for skoletapere and blame it on the girls is to shoot as far uttafor goal that it’s almost not possible to find the ball again.”

Should women and men choose exactly the same for that kjønnsforskerne to be satisfied? Columnist