the average Temperature in the country during January, when the southern hemisphere’s summer culminates, ended up over the 30 mark for the first time since statistics began to be kept, writes the Australian väderbyrå BOM in its månadssammanfattning.

Andrew Watkins, a meteorologist at the BOM, said that Australia never has experienced something similar.

”We have experienced a heat wave in large parts of the country during the greater part of the month, with new records for both term and daily extremes”, he says, according to the agency’s site.

was 2,91 degrees Celsius above the ordinary,” writes the BOM, and adds to both the highest temperatures on the days that the minimum at night was just as extreme.

The direct factors meteorologists have been able to see behind the heat is a ”persistently high” in the tasman sea, which blocked the cooler air masses, as well as a delayed monsoon in the north. But Watkins adds that, ”the warmer trend that has meant that the temperature in Australia has increased by more than one degree in the last century would also contribute to the unusually warm mode”.

Read more: Extreme väderkontraster in the world this weekend