The Numbers are shockingly high, nevertheless, there are doubts as to the credibility. According to the report in the daily mirror about the nation’s huge increase in anti-Semitic crime, readers inside and readers is not reported, the level of trust in the police statistics. It is the alleged motives of the beating, lubricating and mob the hater of the Jews.

For 2018 as in previous years, the police reports, a large majority of the anti-Semitic perpetrators fell within the spectrum of neo-Nazis and other Right. But that is implausible, is to say it is exemplary in the letter from a reader. The crimes of the Muslim offender would have to hit the “under”. And the Federal government Commissioner for the fight against anti-Semitism, Felix Klein, there are the doubters right. However, only a little.

“I do not believe that the police is working incorrectly”

The police organize anti-Semitic offences, is sometimes too fast for the area of the right crime, says Klein in an interview with the daily mirror. If the officials don’t know exactly what the Background to an act, for example, in the case of the Writing “Jews out” on a wall, would you have entered a nevertheless, in the Rubik “Politically motivated crime (PMK) – to the right”. And not with “the PMK is not unique to”.

The reason for this is to detect for Small easily. In the case of the enlightened anti-Semitic crimes there is actually a Preponderance of right-wing actions, says Klein. Alone in the identified offences of Violence motivated right of the Jews enemies were the overwhelming majority of the accused in the face of this balance sheet, the police would classify officials at the beginning of the investigation more than necessary, anti – Semitic crimes as a PMK to the right. According to the Motto: The will face afterwards anyway, as Klein says.

He would argue that police should use in the input statistics on anti-Semitic crime, is more in the category of “not assigned”. But even then, emphasizes Small, stay there with safety, that the majority of offenders are to be assigned to the right environment. “I don’t think that the police is working incorrectly,” says Small. There is no evidence that anti-Jewish crimes of the Muslims and the migrants would show up in the statistics.

The Federal government reported this week in response to a request of the Bundestag Vice-President Petra Pau (Left) a dramatic increase in anti-Semitic crime. The number of offences increased by almost ten percent to 1646 (2017: 1504). In the subset of acts of violence, there was even an increase of more than 60 percent to 62 offences (2017: 37).

it is Unclear when the government explained the Numbers

In this part of the answer are already included in late registrations from the countries of anti-Semitic criminal offences from January to December of 2018, but the Figures could still rise. In the information provided by the government to further questions from Pau late registration to the police. This relates to the specific headings of Politically motivated crime, “right”, “left”, “foreign ideology”, and “religious ideology” and “not attributable to”. The now, fully present reply of the government on the regular basis per quarter requests of Pau are, nevertheless, refer to the preliminary Figures, clear Trends.

Accordingly, the police at 670 anti-Semitic offences in the last year of the rights of offenders. Only eight crimes were attributed to the Left. 25 anti-Semitic crimes, the police observed the offender with a “foreign ideology”. Details are not called, are meant, for example, but the Palestinians, the roar of Israel, hostile slogans. 17 offences committed by offenders with a “religious ideology”. It is usually fanatisierte Muslims, including German converts. In the section “the PMK is not unique to” are recorded 35 offences.

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anti-Semitic crime violence against Jews dramatically

Frank Jansen

when the Federal government tells how the well known, and far higher total of 1646 anti-Semitic offences, has increased is open. In the end, but not the right-wing anti-Semites in the crime statistics, dominate, holding Felix Klein is out of the question. “The image will not change, by and Large, much”, says the Representative of the Federal government.