The Houthi rebels in Yemen have begun with the withdrawal from the strategically important port city of Hodeidah. This is part of the ceasefire agreement that was reached in mid-December. It is unclear whether the government troops retreat from the city. the

started The Yemeni rebels with the withdrawal from the strategically important port city of Hodeidah. A spokesman for the Houthi rebels, as well as the United Nations (UN) reported on Saturday. Accordingly, the coast guard has taken control of the port. It is unclear whether the government troops from the city. A military representative said more time was needed to see whether the Houthi fighters really gone. The port in Hodeidah, the majority of aid deliveries and on commercial food imports in the country, in which millions of people are suffering from Hunger.

in mid-December had been agreed by the warring parties at a Meeting in Sweden, a cease-fire monitored by the UN. He is regarded as the first breakthrough in efforts to end four years ago, ongoing civil war in Yemen. Open is still, who gets after the withdrawal of the troops, ultimately, the control of the city and the port. The coast guard of Hodeidah is said that their leadership is connected with the Houthi rebels.

The Houthi rebels are supported by Iran and controlling most of the country, including the capital Sanaa. The city of Hodeidah was up to now in the hands of the rebels, however, had the government troops – supported by Saudi Arabia – the city besieged.

the war is broken, the supply of food in Yemen in many places. The port in Hodeidah is considered to be so important, because the majority of food imports over here into the country. The UN and aid agencies had already warned during the negotiations for a cease-fire that Yemen faces a famine, with Thousands dead within a few weeks, if the port is blocked by fighting, or destroyed. The UN described the war in Yemen as the most serious humanitarian crisis of the present. Thus, more than eight million people in the country hungry.