I have many hats on me when I sit down at the keyboard to write this. I work as a tv reviewer in the Newspaper. To daily I’m a scriptwriter, mainly for the Norwegian humorserier and stage shows.

But this, I write first and foremost as a member of the oil Humorpris-the jury.

Last Friday), I and 15 other feat to hand out eight awards that honored the Norwegian funniest, without giving one of them a woman, or someone with a minority background. Stuff like that should not happen.

We got the passport our duly and deservedly written by Sigrid Farmer Tusvik, and later also Yousef Hadaoui from the “Black Humor”.

Herreprisen 2018 Debate

Some concepts about what they nominasjonstekniske causes of fadesen was, I wrote about that in this Facebook post.

in Short, I think it was due to a combination of non-representative jurysammensetning, badly thought-out categories, and a naive belief that gender-neutral categories and anonymous voting would create a fair and even game boards. It led to too few women and minorities among the nominees, and the absence of ditto the winners, was the kjipe, visible consequence of it.

Comedian calls Humorprisen “completely white”: – Where the fuck is “svartingene”?

this is not was, was a willed thought to exclude some. Certainly all the potential candidates from the Norwegian humor of the last year was possible to give his nominasjonsstemme to, and even if the vote was anonymous, there is no way that the men in the jury (10 pcs) only voted for other men, and women, (6 pieces) only voted for women. This was a jury with good intentions, and no one wanted that outcome would be as it was. (Nor is this a sign that men are more funny than women by nature. The claim does not deserve to be anything more than it is now, a parenthesis, and belongs on the Performing and the corresponding blogs where humoranalyser goes to die.)

Without that it excuses anything.

These technical reasons are for the so far not so interesting for others than us to try to avoid something like that happening again. What is is worth talking about, what is this embarrassing inequalities are a symptom of, and what you can do with it.

the real problem here, which, unfortunately, is far more in depth and difficult to deal with than organized gutteklubber and juries with both legs firmly planted in the assembled dish for straight, is that this is a mental thing. And it is a structural problem, that only has been able to grow bigger. It’s all about that no one in this industry really have been their responsibilities, and helped to recruit enough women and people with minority backgrounds, and neither has done enough to hold on to them once they are here, create a safe environment and good professionals, where one can develop and hone his craft.

And below that there is an even kjipere truth, which is that we, both as subjects and people working in the industry, and that people, through the y-kromosomets historic dominance in the humour, have been mentally conditioned to think “mannehumor” is funnier than “kvinnehumor”. It has been freezing, and we go out when we consider the humor. And it makes the competition for all that do not represent the humour even narrower, and creates a self-reinforcing feedback loop that also destroys for recruitment. You feel not at home in the prevailing humorparadigmet is the threshold to try taller, and the feeling of the failure of the commission is confirmed when the audience expects something more oppskriftsmessig than what they get.

It is here that the recruitment and inclusion is so incredibly important. Because you can’t force people to laugh at something they don’t think is funny, it is both the best and the most traumatic with this industry, that the response you get is so dead honest. You need to are slowly, but surely to change people’s perception of what humor is and can be. Humor to challenge and lay bare the established, it should kick up, expand horizons and empathy, uncovering hidden relationships, and create redeeming and healing insight, and provide perspective and side glance where the one before had the cramped tunnelsyn. And if new voices do not release, it will never happen. For our collective mental health’s sake: This is about life, and about the soul of our. As a nation, as a society and as people.

We men in humorbransjen can do a lot for this recruitment, in addition to to be able to open the doors for and include those that already do the effort with, for example, recruitment of comedians from minority groups.

Some of us are trying already active. Morten Ramm in the last five years created a humorfaglig the petri dish with its Humornieu, a project which is largely funded out of his own pocket, and that he could not possibly have earned a single penny. It is the opposite of pulling up the ladder after themselves. Yes, it is still a mannstungt collectively (albeit, they have also f.ex. showkonseptet Amandan, in which the comedian and writer Amanda Erlandsen has taken its share of responsibility for the recruitment of new, female humorstemmer), but I also know that they have tried actively to recruit more women. And in the wake of Humorprisen have Ramm promised to make an even bigger effort to get to this. But it is more difficult. There are several that say no. Fewer who want to continue after having tried a few times. The reasons are surely complex.

Humorpris committee tried to recruit more women to the jury. In contrast to the men, thanks to the no. Yesterday I was asked by TV2 news, about to set the debate about the kjønnsubalansen in English humor. The feature was dropped when they were not able to find any women that would or could ask. On Dagsnytt Eighteen yesterday asked Humorpris-organizer Trond Kvernstrøm to debate with Yousef Hadaoui and comedian Trine Lise Olsen. Olsen is a talented option, but it was not she who had written the piece that was discussed, and I doubt that she was asked without that Sigrid Farmer Tusvik thanks to no first. All have certainly good, individual reasons for the refusals, but the totality is.

And Hadaoui, after having been invited to one of Norway’s most important debattarenaer as the representative of a large, marginalized group that has every reason to be dissatisfied with the status quo, used both his and the others ‘ talk time to sabotage the debate completely to make a fixture to their own humorprogram.

CAST: In Monday’s NRK broadcast of “Dagsnytt 18” was it hot in the studio when Yousef Hadaoui and Trond Kværnstrøm discussed the “Humorpisen”. Hadaoui was asked to leave the studio, but in hindsight, it turned out that the whole thing was a planned stunt. Video: NRK Show more

And I realize it. Really.

It is kjipt having to represent anything other than itself. Have one only want to write a rude article and let it blow out on the podcast, or just get to fuck around with solemn tv programs.

None of us can be particularly proud of our efforts when it comes to bransjerekrutteringen. All should go in themselves and see what they can do. But now, it is even so that you which stands as ledestjerner for the forfordelte groups, also are those who are best positioned to help them. I, and I know many with me, will do everything we can to contribute to the planning. It is a collective lift to here. But their role is the most important of all.

It is of course unreasonable of me to expect that the individual woman or the comedian with the skills to engage actively at the grassroots level to solve a problem they has not been with the to create. Most people have enough to worry about his own career, much less someone else’s.

But it all hangs together. And humorbransjen is known to be a little generous. One sees not colleagues but competitors. The only thing that is worse than that comedian before you kill the mood, is that the hen gets so much laughter that your own set is bound to be a letdown. It means that it is a bad tradition to take care of his flock. One grabs the chances you have, for you never know when the next one comes. But it is undeniably so that one would like to be drawn against the role models of the same gender. And change doesn’t happen with op-eds and Facebook-shares alone. It must be exhausting, ubeleilige and long-term measures. It is kjipt and unfair to be forced to have to represent something more than myself, I would also like to released to help break down a patriarkat I was born into, and has not been involved in the building. But the world is not fair. It is built up of both visible and hidden power structures, and it is not the same as those who have created them who are in the best position to tear them down. And right now I think you are the spear-points that need to.

You shouldn’t have to do it alone, we’re going to help, listen, and use the resources and the positions we have to do something good for more than ourselves. But once you are unfortunately going to have to go in front.

You may not be the humorheltene our industry deserves right now.

But you are the ones the need.

the Comedian would stop with the standup, but rather ended up redefining the genre of the Newspaper Plus