How did Norway with the world’s highest proportion uførepensjonerte? Two important factors to explain the utstøtelsen of them at the bottom of the ladder of career success: high immigration and a school for akademikerbarn.
Columnist Karl-Eric, the Anguish
is a lecturer and teacher in high school. He is also lærebokforfatter and author of the book “The great skolesviket”. He has a degree in political science, and has among other things conducted research on immigrants ‘ turnout at the Institutt for samfunnsforskning.
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Around 10 per cent of the population in Norway is now receiving disability benefits. But among those with a grade 3 or worse from primary school, the proportion of 20 per cent. The same proportion uførepensjonerte we find also among them who have not completed more than primary school.
Gradually beyond the 1990s – and particularly through Reform94 – introduced we in Norway methods as responsibility for their own learning, group and project work, forberedelsesdel (as the children of akademikerforeldre can take home and get qualified help) and the elimination of a fraværsregel. Finally came fully the knowledge in 2006 with extensive theorizing – also of the vocational programs – final dealt a deathblow for a school adapted to the weakest.
In an interview with Aftenposten in 2013, said researcher and sociologist Anders Bakken at NOVA this about fully the knowledge: “the School has been further adapted to the children who come from well-educated akademikerhjem with well-stocked bookshelves.”
And as I write in the book The great skolesviket: “in General, there is little reason to believe in conspiracy theories. But here it must be made an exception. A is itself the closest, called it a proverb. In this context, we can paraphrase that one’s own children almost.”
the middle Class reshaped English school in such a way that it suited their own children best. The at least priviligertes children were the losers.
Not enough that the school has been used as an instrument to keep the underclass down, and push it further down, the middle class has also had another method: high immigration.
percentage with immigrant background in the adult population increased from 1992 to 2016 from 5 to 18 percent. In total, there are today nearly one million people with immigration background of a population of around 5.3 milloner.
Completely up until a few years ago, we were told that this would be economically profitable both for Norway as a nation and for all groups in society.
a Few years back was the myth about the profitability of the nation repudiated. Now also the myth that it has been profitable for all groups. A few days back relax ragnar frisch centre a report that a once and for all avkrefter the assertion that also the at the bottom of the ladder have gotten the better as a consequence of high immigration: the employment rate among the poorest has fallen by 3.2 percent and their relative income has fallen – if one compares with the middle class.
the Losers the game about the privileges and prosperity has gained all the experience from having to use a much higher percentage of income on housing costs to longer helsekøer, lønnspress and utstøtelse from the labour market. And the winners?
It is the middle class who have been able to wallow in a more exotic dine and cheaper refurbishment and cleaning. To name a few.
not this should be enough, that the middle class has come victorious out of the last decades of the struggle for great things, they also had a last trick up his sleeve: to inflict the poorest shame.
when the least privileged in an exposed situation have expressed themselves innvandringsskeptisk, they’ve got as answer that it is to be innvandringskritisk is synonymous with being moral forkvaklet. The big winners have through their victories also wanted to be seen as morally superior.
Beautiful is it not.