Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has referred to his critics among the European Christian Democrats as “useful idiots” of the Left. “While you think to lead a spiritual battle, they serve the power interests of others, indeed those of our opponents,” said Orban of the “world on Sunday”. In reality, the attack from the left came but. To weaken “not to us, but to the EPP.” At the same time, Orban has announced that a poster campaign against Brussels continue.

The right-national Hungarian head of government in his own political family, the European people’s party (EPP), heavily criticized since he left the whole of his country with Anti-Brussels-posters plating. They show the EU-Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and the liberal American billionaire of Hungarian origin, George Soros, in an unfavorable Pose. Including statements that suggest that the two wanted to promote illegal Migration to Europe. The EU Commission had made these allegations several times, point for point.

At the ten-EPP-member parties require the exclusion of Orban’s ruling party Fidesz from the EPP. The Union parties CDU and CSU, which had condemned the posters, if sharp, are not including. In the “world on Sunday”Interview, Orban referred to the theoretically possible, to the exclusion of his party as “no rational Alternative”. This would serve, in his view, only to the opponents of the EPP.

At the same time, the Hungarian head of government, further Anti-Brussels announced campaign, this time against the Vice-President of the EU Commission, Frans Timmermans. “Mr Juncker retires, and his place is Mr Timmermans,” said Orban. The campaign against Juncker ends on the 15th. In March, as Orban’s government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs said on Saturday.

The Dutchman Timmermans is the top candidate of the social democratic party of Europe (SPE) for the Post of Commission President. As Orban said, will be Timmermans pictured on the new posters, along with George Soros. On the current presentations with Juncker, the Hungarian-born Holocaust Survivor as a demonic Einflüsterer of the EU-Commission heads.

“The role of Soros for European policy can not be ignored, and everyone has the right to Timmermans admitted his ally,” claimed Orban. In fact, Soros has supported in the past few decades, with billions of numerous humanitarian, social, scientific and artistic associations and initiatives. Including those advocating for human rights and for asylum seekers.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.Photo: REUTERS/Tamas Kaszas

The Union parties feel that the hostile campaign against Juncker, who was elected as the top candidate of the EPP President of the Commission, as a burden for their own political ambitions. EPP Group leader Manfred Weber (CSU) would like to compete after the European elections in may, Juncker’s successor. Last Tuesday, the CDU had a Boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the Fidesz Vice-chief and Orban-Familiar Gergely Gulyas in Berlin to receive an informal conversation.

In the “world on Sunday” referred to Orban this Meeting as part of a “structured Dialogue” between the CDU and the Fidesz, which was meant to “clarify what are the issues we agree on and what not”. He himself, he added, was looking forward to the fact that last December, the elected CDU Chairman to meet in person. “We meet in Brussels in March,” he said. 20. March in Brussels, the Political Assembly of the EPP. Orban’s opponents – so far above all member parties from Scandinavia and the Benelux countries – could make for this occasion, but also their exclusion request.

Mild words found Orban in an Interview for German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), the refugee had criticized policy in the past, solid. “We were of course not in all issues, especially the issue of Migration. But this Chancellor has made a decisive contribution to Europe together,“ he said. Merkel had not made the CDU presidency Kramp-karrenbauer, but also announced that no further chancellorship more. “For the time being, the feeling of a great loss, dominated in me,” said Orban.

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conflict with the EU, the Hungarian court held that the “Stop-Soros-law” to be constitutional

The differences on the issue of Migration from the point of view of Orban is not bridged, but you could manage. Orban suggests that the EU-Commission, but one of the interior Ministers of the Schengen countries formed body busy. Questions beträffen the entire Schengen Zone for the free movement of persons, should be decided “like this make professionals and not like politicians”. (dpa)