In an emotional statement, Berlin’s Interior Senator Iris Spranger (SPD) defended police officers against accusations of racism – and at the same time complained about racism towards police officers with a migration background. “We have most of our colleagues in the police and fire brigade, they work very, very properly. To put it bluntly here. And my coalition could join in the clap and not just the opposition, I’m appalled by that,” Spranger shouted at an excited appearance on Monday in the Interior Committee of the House of Representatives in the direction of her coalition parties, the Greens and the Left.

The debate centered on a recently presented scientific study on the subject. The scientists did not find any structural racism or racist controls, but called for more openness, sensitivity and training on the subject from the police.

Spranger said: “I’m angry when colleagues are attacked again and again and then it is claimed in return that it is racism on a wide scale.” but I can’t listen to it anymore.”

Referring to the police officers, Spranger said: “The police also experience racism every day. To put it very clearly.” The police meanwhile have “more than 30 percent migration”. She was probably referring to younger generations and not to the entire authority with 19,000 police officers. Spranger invited Kocak to ride along to police operations at night to experience it for himself.

And she called on the Greens and Left to stop resisting the general use of so-called bodycams by police officers. “Then let’s use more bodycams. We want transparency in police work, both for one side and for the other.” So far, experiments with cameras on the uniforms of a few police officers have only been carried out in Berlin.

The Green domestic politician Vasili Franco and the Left MP Niklas Schrader replied that it was not about a blanket accusation of racism against the police, but about racist incidents and treatment by the police, which unfortunately happened again and again. There is therefore no reason “to let some of the fuses blow,” said Schrader, without mentioning Spranger directly.