the Meditation is inside of the second hour. I’m sitting in the legged – nybörjarvarianten of the lotus position and try to relax. The right foot has fallen asleep. The legs are aching. Like a defiant child, I can’t resist peeking. Sometimes you will hear the sound of a bell. Then allowed the participants trip up and walk a lap before re-taking the position.
My friend has come home after three years in New York city, where she lived in a commune in Williamsburg and learned to know their spiritual side. She suggests that I make a new attempt with the meditation.
I have at several occasions tried to teach me to appreciate yoga, pilates and various variations. I want to be that person who drink hot citronvatten before breakfast, sit on a round cushion on the floor and find peace.
But unfortunately, it will never be me.
The only workout I get on it is when I turn my head towards the clock. Never, time goes so slowly. At the risk of sounding like a newly crossfitentusiast a few years too late seems the only form of exercise that lowers my stress level to be true exhaustion with military elements.
got to know a new culture, I realized that there is something absurd in having to resort to methods to calm the mind and keep in shape. There was movement a natural part of everyday life and stress were conspicuous by their absence. Maybe a yrvaken insight, but it is not something wrong in how we live when employers have to put in mindfulness (mindfulness) on the schedule?
My friend is one of the few I know who now exudes serenity. More and more högpresenterande, previously healthy people in my vicinity eating pills and getting sick. Something is amiss.
Back to the white room where I lost sensation in large areas of the body. After two hours, I feel anything but peaceful. The body is stiff and mind cluttered. The solution is not here.
the morning walk when public transport is stationary.
Ida Yttergren is a reporter at the DN Economy. She prefers coffee before citronvatten in the morning.