In the asylum armed, the crack was in the early summer across the Union: threatened with a Similar fate now in the law, the Federal government wants to attract more skilled workers into the country. The Chairman of the Union in the interior Committee of the Bundestag, Armin Schuster (CDU), told the German press Agency on Friday, the draft skilled workers immigration law offer in its current Form, “the opportunity for facilitators to enable people to illegal entry to Germany, a residence permit to mooch with an alleged work – or Training record”.

He warned: “Actually, we are enabling the people smugglers a completely new business model.” To send, instead of people at night and in fog over the border would have to smugglers pretending to now only “papers”. Because the Suitability of the job seekers should be checked according to the draft, first in Germany, finally.

design, should had voted on next week to the Cabinet

The design of the Federal government, the interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) in advance with economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) and Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) will be discussed next Wednesday in the Cabinet. Whether it remains in the appointment, but in the face of criticism still open.

According to “Stuttgarter Zeitung” and the “Stuttgarter Nachrichten” (Saturday) agreed to the three Federal Ministers with Chancellery Minister Helge Braun (CDU) to tighten up some of the points. So, therefore, is about immigration, it should be imposed barrier for countries from which a significant increase is manifestly unfounded applications for asylum.

the Chairman of The Indoor working group of the Union group, Mathias Middelberg, and the Chairman of the AG economy, Joachim Pfeiffer, had already previously warned against “abuse of opportunities and possible perverse incentives”. They fear that foreigners could make after a lack of success in finding a Job or training place applications for asylum.

The Central associations of the German economy warned the government that the current draft should not be diluted. “Efforts to alter the draft regulations referred to significantly, compromise the goal of a targeted and necessary skilled labour migration”, – said in a Letter to the competent Minister, which is present the German press Agency.

Green put a private bill before

The Greens submitted a private bill for a law on immigration that provides for a points system on the canadian model. People who achieve a high score and could therefore come to Germany for a year to go on a job search. How many people are allowed to come, to set each year a Commission made a recommendation to the Federal government.

The draft of the German press Agency. Points, there are thus, for example, for work experience, English skills and previous stays in the EU or in Switzerland. In Baden-Württemberg there are currently 130 000 unfilled Vacancies, said the Minister for integration, the green-and-black state government in Stuttgart, man Lucha (Green). It was a “fundamental Problem” that the economic power in the southwest, brake now.

The Deputy SPD Chairman Ralf Stegner said, in Germany, well-qualified skilled workers from abroad would be needed urgently. “So, if parts of the Union against the law for skilled workers immigration, then you damage our economy,” – quoted by the newspaper “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (Friday). The migration policy spokeswoman for the Green group, Filiz Polat, said: “The already too short gripper draft to want more than that, restrict, is totally insane and disconnected from reality.”

visa for job search is limited to six months

Seehofer’s design limited the visa for the job search six months. In this time, the job seekers are allowed to work only for the sample. The Greens want a visa for one year with the possibility to work parallel to the job search – even in areas that do not meet the qualifications of the Immigrant.

The Green-the draft also provides that every child born in Germany automatically becomes a German passport if one parent has lawful and habitual residence in Germany. Already living in Germany, asylum-seekers and people with toleration should be able to pull through the inclusion of a working, training or studying to stay legal “lane change”.

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skilled workers immigration law Remains just where you are!

Aziz Bozkurt

The labour market policy spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group, John bird, said that it was good that the Greens were now for of his party have long favored a system of points. It would be even better if this would do the SPD. He said: “We have to come here as a country and of the migration policies of successful countries of Immigration.” (dpa)