European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker calls for a shift in the Brexits on the 22. May, if the UK agrees to under the house to the exit agreement in the next few days. This Juncker said on Wednesday in the European Parliament.

The British Prime Minister, Theresa May, a series of Matches with the leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn in terms of leaving the EU. The May said during a question hour in Parliament on Wednesday in the Parliament in London. She confirmed that the discussions with the leader of the Labour party should begin about a way out of Brexit-cul-de-SAC on the Wednesday. “We both want to make a withdrawal with an agreement, we both want to protect jobs, we both want an end to the free movement of persons, we both recognize the importance of the withdrawal agreement,” said May.

In a speech at the lunch, May had said, the Opposition would have to agree if it should come to a solution. “We need to find compromises,” she said. “We all have a duty to deliver the Brexit,” she said later in the house of Commons.

May risk unit of your party

May had announced on Tuesday evening, and to request a further postponement of the EU-exit. You want to search with leader of the opposition, Corbyn together to find a solution. So you risked the unity in their Conservative party. As a Protest against Mays new Brexit strategy, the Secretary of state for Wales, Nigel Adams, resigned in the meantime. May risk, not the EU-to implement the exit, for the British would have voted, said Adams.

The Brexit, according to current plans, for the 12. April provided. So far, there are in the UK, but still no agreement to discharge the contract, so that a chaotic break-up with the EU threatens. In the case of a special EU summit on 10. April wants to provide May now, with the Opposition coordinated Plan.

Theresa May, the Prime Minister of great Britain, and head of the Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn (archive picture).Photo: John Stillwell/PA Wire/dpa

For this Wednesday, May planned also a Meeting with the Scottish government’s head of Nicola Sturgeon. Scotland had voted in the Referendum in 2016, as a majority against the EU exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union.

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More delay for discharge May EU wants to Seibert to short Brexit-shift to ask

In Berlin, a government spokesman, Steffen said, for a further shift of the exit date of a specific request from the UK had to be available. “We are not there yet.” The Federal government to pursue the various proposals and thoughts in London, could not this rate but still. At the EU special summit on Wednesday of next week, the proposals of the British government would be discussed, which were until then on the table. (Tsp, dpa, Reuters)