the Left party leader Dietmar Bartsch left no doubt that he will Stand up to the most recent provocation of his Co-Boss Sahra wagenknecht-mentioned collection of “movement” for hard-to-mark. At the weekend, had to “Stand up” against the system of public broadcasting polemic, with a Tweet, which the news Agency dpa reported according to the content and wording of the AfD-line resembles. In the short message service shared graphic with the “ARD” and “ZDF” lettered man is holding the other upside down and shakes him, where, apparently, money slips out of his clothes to fall. “Broadcasting contribution fee raise? Better idea: the income of the TV-Directors cut!”, among other things, is written on it. The claim: “citizens’ media instead of the government’s broadcasting!”

Bartsch wrote on Twitter to the question, what is the think of the Expression, in a nutshell: “nothing”. In the ranks of the left party, he remained with this criticism alone. Even supporters of Wagenknecht in the “Up”movement went at a distance, such as Fabio de Masi, Deputy Chairman of the left group. He said: “I think the Tweet failed. .” On Twitter, de Masi wrote: “Our activists make mistakes”, it is always the Balance between self-responsibility and control. The left faction-the Deputy added, he was for a strong public broadcaster, at the same time, but also to extend the exemption of low income earners in the broadcasting contribution.

Similar to Sevim Dagdelen, a Familiar wagon was upset, servant, and also a group Vice. She admitted: “I in addition find the relevant Tweet total. Public broadcasting is right & important & essential to conserve!”

Wagenknecht is at a distance from the controversial Tweet

Wagenknecht, meanwhile, remained silent for more than 48 hours to the process. On Sunday evening, spread the Newsletter to your followers and supporters, they did not deal with the criticism. On Monday afternoon, then she said: “The Post I didn’t know before the release. I support, like ,get Up’ overall, a strong system of public broadcasting, however, needs to be socially financed more fairly.”

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Comrades of Wagenknecht in their fundamental objections to the collection of movement confirmed. “This is really embarrassing. Criticism on the AfD Level,” wrote the North Rhine-Westphalia Left of the Bundestag Niema Movassat on Twitter. He is already for a long time, a sharp critic of the car servant. Shortly after the launch of “Stand up” had Movassat raised the question of whether Wagenknecht feel now the duty of the party or the movement. The Thuringian Left party member of Parliament Martina Renner wrote in a comment to the “Stand up”Tweet in reference to Wagenknecht: “Here, the name of the talk show Queen in #AfD-style complains about the public broadcaster. Just embarrassing!”

the Others were basically about Benjamin-Immanuel Hoff (Left), chief of the state Chancellery in the red-red-green-ruled Thuringia. For a time, he thought, his criticism of “Stand up”, it was the wrong attempt on AfD-mesh Ex-voters and voters of the left party back, was fraught with prejudice, said Hoff. “Also, this Tweet shows, unfortunately, that is entitled to every criticism.” Horst Kahrs of the party-affiliated Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, recalled that the Left have committed in their German election program in 2017, specifically to the preservation of public broadcasting. The AfD, by contrast, is for years, sentiment against “GEZ-media” and calls for the abolition of “compulsory fees”.

outside of the left party, the lack of understanding is great – especially since there is no distancing from wagenknecht. Erhard Scherfer, Phoenix correspondent in Berlin, recalled: “After all, the so-called government radio broadcast the first long press conference, the so-called ,Stand up’-motion, live, in color and, above all, completely!” The former SPD Bundestag deputies Marco Bülow, the group and the party had recently left and one of the supporters of the “Stand up”, says: “There is no government broadcasting! The public service media are essential.”

For the left, group chief Bartsch, the debate at an inopportune time: On Thursday and Friday, the group meets for the exam. Officially, it is the initial situation at the beginning of the party’s major election year in Thuringia and Brandenburg, the Left wants to defend their government investments. However, many of the members also want to servant the dual role of car as a Left politician and “Stand up”-bring an activist for the language. The state of Brandenburg member of the German Bundestag Thomas North had threatened at the beginning of November with its exit from the group, should dare to make a servant with their arbitrariness. As the deadline for his decision, he has the group retreat in January.

Bartsch calls now: “I am confident that each and every one in the Left is due to the cultural campaign of the right, aware of its responsibility and the confrontation with political opponents in focus.”

to appease Whether this is sufficient, the wagenknecht-critic? Is not just a fight to “Stand up”-Statement to the “government broadcasting”. In allusion to the demonstrations in France had been wagenknecht shortly before Christmas, with a yellow safety vest in front of the Chancellery and the similar protests in Germany, too, called for – although previously AfD, Pegida and other right-wing radicals as a supporter of the yellow West, the scene had been set. In France, those who would not be heard for many years of the policy, they raised their voice, she said in a 75-second video clip that was published on the fourth advent weekend on the website she founded “Stand up”movement. “I think the kind of pressure we need in Germany.”

Left-Deputy Akbulut: the rhetoric of the AfD use

And forget are also not Dare to Knecht’s reservations about the large “Indivisible”-a Demonstration against the shift to the right in Berlin in October – in calling the Left-politician felt too much of a “welcome culture”. The baden-württemberg of the Bundestag, Gökay Akbulut, who was elected in September of 2017, a new Parliament, says: “personally, I found it completely incomprehensible, it has left many of the Basis for confusion. The external impact of car servant distancing of the Demo was for the Left to be unfavorable, as the party has supported the Alliance from the beginning in terms of content, but also financially.”

Although servant is to certify the car also Akbulut, she was a “key leadership, personality, very popular and famous”. The politician stressed in an interview with the daily mirror: “Rhetorically, technically, and in terms of content, well-versed, in the population.” But: “however, We are not A one-man party and no One-woman party.”

More about

the Trouble to the front woman and the car servant, “get Up” tired

Matthias Meisner

in Principle, it holds Akbulut for possible people to regain the have chosen, out of frustration or anger AfD. “But not by using the language and rhetoric of the AfD. Many in the left party’s commitment to refugees. For it is a slap in the face, when in our series of leading officials, the language of the AfD will be used.”