In the dispute over the INF Treaty for the renunciation of nuclear medium-range weapons there is, in spite of the expiry of the US ultimatum, no movement. A Meeting of the Nato-Russia Council meeting on the topic ended on Friday after two and a half hours in vain. Especially for Europe, an important contract is in order. The German foreign Minister Heiko Maas is hoping for a relent of Moscow.

Russia has shown no willingness to revise its Position, said Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg after the talks of the representatives of the allies with the Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov, in Brussels. The United States and the Nato partners were not convinced, however, that Russia violates the INF Treaty with new cruise missiles with the name 9M729 (Nato-Code: SSC-8).

Moscow rejects the claims of the United States

The United States had set Russia due to the alleged breach of contract in December for a period of 60 days. Therefore, you will after the 2. February not terminate, if Russia agrees to the destruction of its new cruise missile. The rockets can fly according to data from the United States, at least, 2600 miles, and would thus be able to meet almost all the main cities in Europe.
the Maas called on Moscow during a visit to the United Nations in New York once again to make the reach of its new cruise missile with the designation 9M729 transparent. “It will continue to urge the Russians to disclose information which they have not laid open so far.”

That Russia is thrown in the dispute, is excluded. The Moscow government rejects the claims and allegations of the United States. So it is the maximum range of your missile with a 480 kilometres, the contract would be compliant. In addition, under Moscow, the USA to use the allegations as an excuse to be able to officially be a new armaments program to start.

The consequences of an end to the agreement are not predictable

Moscow is the fact that U.S. military are complaining for some time about the fact that from the time of the Cold war INF Treaty only binds the Americans and the Russians, but not to emerging military powers such as China.

For Europe would be controversial a termination of the contract, because it would be in a row, in all likelihood, a discussion on nuclear armament in Europe. In the opinion of the military strategic equilibrium and deterrence, could only in the long term.

Nato Secretary-General Stoltenberg avoided on Friday, the question of whether the termination of the contract by the United States might have a deployment of additional U.S. nuclear weapons in Europe. It was still much early to predict how Nato on a possible end to the agreement will respond, said the Norwegian. He also pointed out that even after the official U.S. withdrawal announcement until August time to save the contract. In the agreement a notice period of six months is provided.

Russia looks for at the contract opportunities

The Russian Deputy foreign Minister Ryabkov looks even more opportunities for the INF Treaty. “We continue to work hard to get this document, nothing has changed,” he said to Russian media reports. “In spite of the difficult conversation, ( … ), we expect that common sense will prevail.” Russia wanted after the 2. February to continue its work, even if the US should get out of the contract.

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At the Meeting of the five official nuclear powers on the 30./31. January in Beijing, he will also speak with the arms questions relevant US Secretary of state, Andrea Thompson, said Ryabkov, the Agency Interfax according to. He doubted, however, that Thompson will be ready to talk about the INF Treaty. (dpa)