In Granavolden-the declaration is Israel the only country that specifically is drawn out as an important partner in foreign policy. It says that the government will “to facilitate and strengthen research and development cooperation, trade, tourism and kulturutveksling with Israel”. At the same time it says in the declaration that the government will “cooperate with other countries to implement economic and political sanctions in case of serious and persistent violations of international law.”
When should Israel be one of the countries many on the list given their systematic and serious transgressions of international law and krenkingar of palestinarane their human rights.
Israeli forces killed over 50 palestinian children in the last year
For example, shows a new report from the israeli menneskerettsorganisasjonen Btselem the israeli military in 2018 kills 55 palestinian children, 47 of them on Gazastripa. The youngest was 4 years old. The organization Defense for Children International–Palestine (DCIP) came recently with a report where they concluded that the israeli soldiers their killing of ungar on the Gaza krigsforbrytingar.
One must assume that the the government is against the killing of ungar and that this will be a kind of transgression of international law that is so serious that it leads to economic and political sanksjonar. Still said next Ine M. Eriksen Søreide, when she received the written questions from Bjørnar Moxnes before christmas about why Norway not use such sanksjonar against Israel: “the Government is against sanctions and boycott of Israel. Dialogue, cooperation and confidence-building are better suited to resolve conflicts.”
O thou holy one of Israel!
Norway give so Israel straffefridom for their transgressions of international law. They are rather paid with increased economic cooperation, or what the platform is called a “balanced attitude to the middle East conflict”. What påskot have Israel to stop using live ammunition against ungar if the western country such as Norway but will increase cooperation and trade?
Regjeringsplattforma gjentek Søreide his mantra, that the government do not see “boycott of Israel as a contribution to dialogue, understanding and peaceful development in the middle East”. They think, therefore, that palestinarane not have the opportunity to boycott the state that militarily occupies them on Vestbreidda and in East-Jerusalem, and who held them under a kvelande blockade on Gaza.
A non-valdeleg and legitimate protestform that boycott, fall usually under the civil and political human rights as regjeringsplattforma says that is a particularly high priority, but the debt tydelegvis not for palestinarane. Rather insinuating platform that criticism of Israel is hate comments, and in the worst case, the anti-semitism. This is a claim that is to delegitimere palestinian struggle for human rights and international law, and that makes it even harder to fought against the actual anti-semitism.
About Granavolden-the declaration to call the government’s actual policy, it should say that they will use the economic and political sanksjonar against folkerettsbrot, just not Israel. And that having a “balanced attitude to the middle East conflict” means to establish stronger ties to the land through 70 years, systematic and rough, has krenka international law and snevra into the freedom of speech to the palestinian civil society.
LO-leader asked about the boycott of Israel – “also out for a whole world”