Prideparaden is a venue for the queer who will celebrate and demonstrate. We mark the Pride to claim our place in society. We celebrate community and diversity, and fighting for a society where all are of equal worth. It is a celebration for all who want a society where we have equal rights, being treated with respect and can live safe lives regardless of who we fall in love us or how we live our life.
festival manager: Fredrik Dreyer. Show more
You must not be agree in everything Oslo Pride stands for, but you must support our core values. If you believe heterosexuals should have more rights than gays and transgender, that the marriage between two of the same sex are second-class or that teachers should be able to lose their job just because they are gay, so is not the parade for you.
The last week have stormed around the new familieministeren. And with good reason. The Oslo Pride festival and the festival’s parade has also been debated. But we have never invited Ropstad to go in the Pride parade. There has not come any invitation from our eierorganisasjon FREE or from others in the queer movement. The question is raised by politicians and the media. Yes, with KrFU. But not of us. I think it is a paradox that large parts of society throw themselves into the debate, invite and challenge on our behalf, without thinking of what the Pride movement is trying to achieve. Queer in the Uk are a minority and set the agenda for their own rettighetskamp. We reserve the right to invite to our own festival.
Mari (36) was not out as a lesbian before she moved to Oslo: – I felt the fear to disappoint family qc
this year is the 50 years since the Stonewall rebellion in New York city, which is considered to be the beginning of Pride. The last few years, Oslo’s Pride experienced a fantastic growth. During the parades the last few years, hundreds of thousands cheered us up through Oslo’s streets. This is of course both proud and happy. It is a sign that the mangfoldsarbeid use and that our society becomes more inclusive. We know that it means something that many people go when some can’t or don’t dare. We have not come here without having to fight for it, and this fight is not a showcase. But we colors not a city in regnbuefarger by force or threats. We are forcing no one.
It is important to say basis, and it is important to debate. I am very happy that we as a movement is not alone in questioning the statsråders attitudes. That politician should not mangfoldsarbeid first and foremost be about symbolic actions to go in the train or to hoist the flag. The important thing is to work for a society with space for all and to show their support through action throughout the year, not just one day in June.
a record number who were present for the Oslo Pride
Oslo Pride should be a safe arena, it is not if the participants are not there of their own desire. You will not go in the train for something you do not support, you should not hide behind the masses to avoid questions. The parade is for the queer movement and for everyone who dreams of a fair and multicultural society. If you share this dream, you are more than welcome!