Monica Oltra (Neuss, Germany, 1969), leader of Compromís, a coalition of three parties that governs with the PSPV-PSOE and the support we Can in the Valencian Community, proceeds in this interview to THE COUNTRY that their training will come without the company of the formation of the abode and the United Left to the next general. The vice-president and councillor of Equality and Inclusive Policies, states that the responsibility for the debacle socialist corresponds to the leader andalusian “derechizar” his speech. The spokesman of the Executive valencia, who chairs the socialist Ximo Puig, defends the Agreement of the Botanical as a “vaccine against the extreme right”. In favor of exhausting the legislature, recommends that the president of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, to govern and take decisions.


“To the independence he gives them as the model of State they want to go against the being of Spain” Valencia supports the proposal of the Government deficit in exchange for 850 million euros additional

Question . What do you think of the fall of socialism in Andalusia?

Answer . It is the chronicle of an event foretold. When derechiza the discourse, the policies, decisions and covenants, in the end, the right is advancing electorally. It was a strategic error of Susana Díaz rely on the right instead of to put in place a Government of change that would give answers. You have opted to rely on Citizens, instead of taking advantage of a juncture of change to policies of social cohesion, protection.

P . Does the discourse of the Government of the Botanical?

R . Yes, as we did here, we address two emergencies: the social, the impact that the crisis had on many families, which left them in a situation of great vulnerability; and the democratic, because the Popular Party had installed the corruption in all institutions and was dedicated to rob us with full hands. Money that instead of going to education, to health, to social policies, attention to the dependence and the creation of employment, funding for the PP and their cronies. Three years after the life of thousands of valencian and in valencian has improved.

“The vaccine against the extreme right are the social policies”

P . Does the conflict Catalan has not influenced?

R . Also, but less. That has been imposed by the national discourse on the territorial conflict has influenced in a way that the positions have been radicalized. On the one hand we have a claim of independence of Catalonia, and at the other end nationalism, Spanish centralizer with all that boom of machismo, racism and xenophobia, which unfortunately we have seen in other sides of Europe. The two extremes have polarized the society, have faced, and obviously it is a matter on which we must reflect.

P . The left has refrained.

R . Yes. And there is that question of the reason. The inability to mobilize the electorate has a lot to do with what I have said about the president of andalusia, who did not provide an answer to the restlessness, the uncertainty, the anguish and the insecurity of many people. That’s why I think that the vaccine against the extreme right are the social policies, that people know that if you are going through a difficult time in your life because you don’t have a job, because it has a dependency situation, for the reasons that are, have public powers to sustain it. The citizens must feel secure, forming a part of a society that protects them.

P . What was not done?

R . No. When not is put the vaccine, it becomes an epidemic, which as we see, extends with ease. The extreme right-wing combat with previous policy.

P . Whose is the responsibility?

R . There is an institutional responsibility by derechizar the speech. If one does not defend the postulates of political change, of an emancipatory discourse for the popular strata and the middle classes, in the end, who is going to occupy the board is the dominant discourse, that is to the right. And it does so with very simple messages, very easy.

P . How Vox?

“Pedro Sanchez should govern and make decisions,”

R . Effectively. What has been asked to agree have to do with autonomous powers? That eliminates the inheritance tax. Vox does not advocate to the masses or the middle classes, defends the rich. Normal people, with average incomes don’t pay that tax.

P . What the results are extrapolated to the region of Valencia and Spain?

Gorabet R . No. Here we are vaccinating against this type of speeches. In addition, there is a differential fact. There is no Government such as ours, because Compromís is not in the rest of Spain. The experience of the Botanist, of a Government that is plural, policies, emancipatory, progressive, and left-wing, with the formula of the “mestizaje”, is the vaccine to this type of extremism, right-wing, exclusionary and sexist. The gap between the most and least have it is growing, and that is what we are trying to stop from the Botanical.

P . Do you have fear of Vox?

R . The politics of fear is not a good companion. It is the only human feeling that paralyzes us. The joy, the outrage, the anger mobilizes us. That is why there is that will banish the fear of the policy. We are more than to act, to move, to continue with these policies that have improved the lives of the people. More than a million and a half people already do not pay the copayment pharmacist in this community. At this moment there is a rental valencian inclusion for families in a situation of impoverishment that what he does is to promote social cohesion. There are 55,000 people in the system of protection of the dependence that were not three years ago. The boys and girls who need it have the books for free. Has fallen to half the school children who are studying in barracks. We have been courageous. If we were not afraid to corrupt and almighty as the PP, how are we going to have a fear of democracy?

P . What do you recommend to the president of the Government?

“The people of valencia want to be spaniards of the first”

R . Peter Sanchez will recommend to govern and make decisions.

P . What does it mean?

R . That the decisions of the Government of Spain have to have an impact that will improve the lives of the people. People have note. That is the vaccine.

P . What is in favour of exhausting the legislature?

R . Yes. What I am saying is that you have to take decisions and measures. The rise in the minimum interprofessional wage (SMI), the IPREM, the contents of which depend on most of the social benefits of this country. You have to take measures such as return contributions to women caregivers of dependence. Has to protect single-parent families, the majority formed by women. If you equate the permissions of fatherhood and motherhood, single-parent families are able to access the entirety of the two periods. In the case of the agenda of valencia, to get our funding is non-discriminatory. The valencian people we want to be spaniards of the first. All the world has recognized that there is an anomaly, but in our case are not met, the Constitution, in its article 156 says that the communities have the right to the adequacy of financial.

P . But you need to have braces.

R . There are measures that can be taken with own instruments of Government as are the decrees and laws. Everything that is urgent to alleviate the social emergency is justified.

P . Are you still taking along so well with Puig as at the beginning?

R . Yes, I have a very good relationship, not just policy, is also personal. A relationship that we have cultivated. And that has a very positive impact on the policy. We have great matches and we know how to manage our differences, which, obviously, we also have. We have always found the meeting point.

P . Can be repeated Compromís its partnership with we Can to the general?

R . It is not wise to a formula that makes you lose representation, we still have a electoral chances. Another thing is the political alliance, that we have it, common objectives here and in the Congress of Deputies. You can have a political alliance, without having an electoral alliance.