Iceland, a time at 900-1000 century: An ever-escalating blodfeide has led to that Flosi rides to Bergtorskvål to burn his return stopped family inside. It is an inferno. If someone tries to escape they are met by the Mighty men outside. Later they find the remains after the nine people in the fire, but than as long as they are unsure whether all are dead. Especially the trick about the Thing, his return stopped the fearsome son of god, have met their end. Some of them approaching the house, which still stands in the fire. Crawling up on the roof.

– Is Skarpheding death, faith, ask Glum.

When they hear down from the fire that it is kvedet a verse.

To believe about the Thing, have kvedet this dead or alive, ask Gunnar Gunnarsson.

I will not guess at, ” says Flosi.

The true story is that the Lord of the Rings, only better

In “his return stopped saga” written by by an anonymous author in Iceland in the 1200s, described the Thing Njålsson as a kind of idealviking: “large in stature, strong and good at fighting, he swam like a seal, was lightning fast on his feet, resourceful, and confident, with a sharp tongue, sleivkjeftet, but still restrained, and a good scald”. Although his brutal impulsivity without doubt contributed to the family’s downfall.

When the corpse of the Thing later gets dug out of the branntomta, he stands still upright. “He had been standing against the gavlveggen, and the feet were avsvidd up to the knees, but otherwise he was whole,” it says in “his return stopped the saw”.

I read “his return stopped the saw” when I was studying. It is 20 years ago. The saga is not about the Thing, but his death has attached itself to the memory, which crosses it is described that he eats into the body during the fire. That author writes that he died standing was a matter of honor, I remember the teacher said.

When litteraturstudinene at the end of the semester named “Litteraturhistoriens most sexy man”, was the Thing that ran away with the victory. Thus, it is twenty years ago.

This week he appeared again.

I never thought I would be hooked on a røverserie from the viking age

the Vikings have been in the wind for a long time. Especially on tv, there has been talk about a vikingtrend in many years. The series “Vikings” premiered in 2013, and is in its fifth season. It is inspired by sagnene around småkongen Ragnar Lodbrok, who lived around 700-800. According to sagnene he died when he finally was thrown into a wormhole of King Aella of Northumbria. The sons of Ragnar is reputed to have avenged him by making so-called blodørn on Aella, meaning that the ribs were cut from, and folded out like wings.

Some of the footsteps of ragnar sons of the dolls way up in a different vikingserie. “The Last Kingdom” had its premiere in 2015 and is now on Netflix. Norwegian Rune Temte plays the formidable, but spinnville Ubbe, the footsteps of ragnar (alleged) son.

And then we have, of course, the Norwegian humorserien “the Vikings”, which was voted number 98 of the world’s hundred most popular series in 2017. Vikingtrenden has also reached the bookshelves. Tore Skeies “Hvitekrist – About Olav Haraldsson and his time” is in these days its seiersgang over bokhandlerdiskene.

the Book, which is about the mythical figure of Olaf the Holy, was given the roll of the dice six in the Newspaper. “The true story is that “the Lord of the Rings”, only better,” wrote reviewer Arne Dvergsdal.

And he has the right, it is outrageously exciting to read Skeies descriptions of the vikingkulturen, æreskulturen and the politics that lay behind. “What kind of person was this young king”, he asks at an early stage, after having described the time and the political maktkampene Olaf grew up in. “Olaf was a norse king in a society where a king’s role above anything else was to lead his men to victory with the sword in hand and distribute the war booty. For a king and his krigerflokk was not the war a state of emergency, but a natural, a completely natural part of the world and human life, something that came and went about as the weather and the seasons.”

It is only a month ago Tore Kvævens “When the country mørknar”, which is about vikingbosettingene in Greenland in the 1200’s, the thrust of the with Brageprisen. And last week, he appeared søren me up in my life again, ” Njålsson, when Aschehoug gave out “his return stopped saga” in the new translation and the new costume. There is no doubt that the 2018 has been the vikings year, so when it can, appropriately enough, also ends with a battle scene from “his return stopped the saga”: “Here are jumping from ice floe to isvull over a river, and before the enemy Tråin have been wearing the helmet, he with axe: “He hit his head and kløvet it down to jekslene as they sprinkled down on the ice.”

happy new vikingår!

HBO stock vikinglandsby in Bjørvika. So much does it cost