the Transfer of likestillingsfeltet to the Ministry of culture is about political priorities. The left has always been a likestillingsparti, and that culture and equality minister, I have had the dream job. It is not a nedprioritering of the field so Helga Eggebø seem to think in his post in the Newspaper before the weekend.

In 1886 was the Left the first party that proposed the right to vote for women, and ever since that time, gender equality, in all its diversity, has been an important issue for us liberals. With inspiring pionérer from Betzy Kjeldsberg and Fredrikke Marie Qvam, Norway’s first female leader and the world’s first likestillingsombud, Eva Kolstad, has Left taken the fight for a society where all should be able to participate on equal terms.

Ropstad sit again with all the money bag Debate

Eggebø type that the gender equality policy has had a tendency to be reduced to family policy, but there is no doubt that the field has a much larger catchment area than that. Here we completely agree. In the Ministry we are working with the society’s basic foundation. Just before christmas, I introduced the first white paper on culture in 15 years, “Culture power”. In it, I wanted to identify how arts and culture is empowering people. How to facilitate a diverse and representative cultural environment of high quality is to create tolerant communities. How it can build citizens in a way that makes them able to take decisions concerning themselves and their lives. In the same way, gender equality is not only a fundamental value in our society, but the central element in a democratic sustainable society. Cultural policies are demokratipolitikk. And equality is about the very basics of democracy our; human rights.

It is entirely appropriate that the gender equality policy and familiepolitiske instruments over the decades have been seen in the context, but this is not something especially for this field. It is all statsråders responsibility to consider the effect of policies and measures for gender equality in society, whether it concerns family policy, industrial policy, educational policy, health policy, arbeidslivspolitikk or cultural policies. Regardless of how politikkområdene be organized in the public sector, these perspectives will be assessed and evaluated My job is to have a special coordinating and samordnende responsibility for the area, and it will benefit likestillingsfeltet to be a part of it politikkområdet who work with society’s most basic structures. Not because gender equality should be reduced to a cultural-political question, but just to lift the building community element.

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It is important to point out that likestillingsområdet do not want to change either the organization or the instruments after the transfer to the Ministry of culture. The academic staff in the department has as Eggebø printer had great national and international importance. It should also have come. I’m glad to have had the skilled people who work in the ministry over to the Ministry of culture. Together we shall work for Norway to continue to be in the front. At the same time, we must be aware that the fight for equality and against discrimination is far from over. All too many feel that they do not become fully recognized and accepted on the basis of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or level of functioning. And as long as it is so we have not a society with equality for all. As the culture – and equality minister, I am ready to embark on the task.

This is basically about democracy, a battle the Left has always fought for and that we will never stop to fight.