Police external command in Uppsala have an account on Twitter. Where he shares his insights in everyday life. Stories about when he hits the teens who call him ”horunge” but who apologize when they talked for a while, pictures of polishunden Golle, who tracked down the thieves and the reports on the old storefront after stormy nights. Police officers are also human beings like you and me, who spend their days with to do their best, marked by a life full of ambitions, emotions, experiences and memories. On the account belonging to the external command in Uppsala, we meet, therefore, sometimes also this. His mother passed away in the last year. He lights a candle for her, he writes – ”Sometimes you have to be a little private, a such day today.”

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He gets a lot of support and warm words from their followers, because the police are popular. In Line Sifos förtroendebarometer for 2018 won the shares, and nowadays it is 65% of the Swedish people who have very or fairly high confidence in their work. It is the same figure as the SR and the Swedish universities and colleges, and they are played only by the holy tvåenigheten – Ikea and Wine – enjoying a few percentage points higher confidence.

via their social media accounts, for example, the external command in Uppsala, easy to sympathize with. They tell us about how they take risks for our security’s sake, they talk about and check against the despised criminals, prank call and våldsutövarna, and they are all the time human: they chat with their followers, jokes, show emotion, and are sometimes proud and defensive. Such a lot is easy to applaud, especially when the sender is the class popular. As DN’s Catia Hultquist has noted, transforms the law’s different guardian of light to the heroes in everyday storytelling.

But the police also represent a unique state power to hit, shoot and block in us: våldsmonopolet. It is therefore so important that this state power is constantly questioned, and it is rather in a critical tone than in the one for forgiving ditto. A polismisstag – regardless of whether there is a deprivation of liberty, a integritetsinskränkning or an act of violence has simply often worse consequences than a mistake from almost anyone else. A healthy society discusses openly and unconditionally to the law’s long arm does. It is a part of the contract and, I think, even yrkesstoltheten for the police. Action is inseparable with the responsibility.

met in the week a bunch of young people in the town, and one of them took up my phone and started filming. When said external command with the same coin. ”It is a fairly easy way to people to stop filming us, it is to take your phone and shoot back,” he writes on Twitter when he publishes the video. ”Filming me, filming him, AND then it no fun anymore!” Video showing how the guy on the sidewalk lowers the phone and turns on in response to filmed getting almost 60,000 views, meets pretty much grin and happy shouts, but some are criticizing the police publishing. Why should you not get to film the cops? Why did the external command such a mark against a law-abiding person and, by extension, for his followers? What are the limits of the police when they are personal and human on social media?

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the Questions are relevant and should be discussed. But the external command in Uppsala, is on social media as I said also a well-liked individual, and such loyal friends. Therefore, the critics quickly opposition. Many of the external command followers to shut up and solid critics with the ankles, mocked and dismissed them. It feels again. Often when police officers via social media to open up and become more than just formal roles, gränstänjande or not, is the support they get solid. The sets of critical questions will be ridiculed and dumförklarad, or, even worse, misstänkliggjord of the police followers. The conflict moved to stand between the citizen and the authority to stand between the whiny bore, and the society’s mainstay. Who wants to set up in a such a popularity contest? And ultimately – what is the criticism directed never against the exercise of authority, which issues are being discussed, never in the debate, and what is it that silenced?

its videos after a few days, probably as a result of the criticism he has received. It was wise, and on a personal level teeth I am also a light to the memory of his deceased mother. But the discussion about what he is doing in the profession must be able to be brought. When I encounter the police in everyday life I want it to be limited by what våldsmonopolet get to do, and not what a nice hero with many friends may do.

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