Philip Roth is a writer one would like to quote: ”People think of history as something long-term, but the story is in fact something very suddenly.”

Imagine the fall of the berlin wall in 1989 and the terrorist attacks against Washington and New York on 11 september 2001. Or recently: Brexit and the refugee crisis.

Ah, Europe, that the grandeur which always break down, just more or less. It is not possible to open a newspaper without being struck by the feeling that the spring can become more ferocious, and later than in many years. Pessimists fear ahead of the elections to the european Parliament at the end of may. To the proud and blind of Europe to fall for högerpopulismen?

the most anticipated writers, we learn to not get.

Michel Houellebecqs new roman ”Sérotonine” has sold over 300 000 copies in just a few weeks. The pyr, as usual, the frustration in his fiction. Once again, we meet a middle-aged antihero who becomes unstable in the culture – and this time takes out the disappointment of the bureaucracy in Brussels. Or as the magazine Foreign Policy writes in a headline: ”Michel Houellebecq hated Europe before you did”.

Lucky he is fun to read. Get author balances so brutally cleverly on the border between cynicism and romance. Houellebecq allows the art to be a pressure cooker for ideas, opinions, and prejudices afloat but would only create a bad atmosphere if they were expressed a little too open in the private or the public sphere.

It may bring some discomfort of the reader, more often liberating laughter. Already in the novel ”Platform” (in English, 2002) noted the misantropiske the narrator: ”It is in relation to the other as you come to consciousness of itself; it is precisely what makes the relationship to the other unbearable”.

Michel Houellebecqs new roman ”Sérotonine” sells big in Paris. Photo: Thibault Camus

thawed out a bit in Thailand. But the woman who got him on better thoughts die unfortunate enough in a terrorist attack against a tourist resort – that of an event carried out by islamic terrorists.

”Sérotonine” ends in a massacre; this time hitting the French farmers and the riot police forces. The farmers are protesting against the meddlesome EU regulations and global free trade, two horrible entities which are liable to knock out the country’s proud agricultural products and make farmers unemployed.

Michel Houellebecq is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish from their romangestalter.

I read an article he wrote in the January issue of the magazine Harper’s. The first allows Houellebecq to Donald Trump is a clown, but a clown can apparently be a good president. Trump pulls back troops from the disastrous fronts in Iraq and Syria, fighting free trade, and engaged in protectionist policies.

the Idea of a united Europe is claimed to be little more than a joke. Houellebecq pays tribute to Brexit – and the will to last out as a conservative catholic nationalist.

All the unhappy and angry does not belong to civilization arsonists.

30 other internationally known authors, in a recent petition (DN 26/1). Including Svetlana Aleksijevitj, Elfriede Jelinek and Herta Müller. The meaning was not clear, but I understood at least that the signatories believe that the populists and the nationalists must be combated. Stand up for Europe’s libertarian and transnational ideals!

Sure, I connect me to the ideals, but not the pompous style, to all appearances, signed by Bernard-Henri Lévy. It is a French author and philosopher who, unfortunately, expresses itself much worse than Michel Houellebecq and the three nobel Laureates above.

Per. concrete quickly what I felt (Express the culture 28/1). It is no longer enough, with the familiar slogans of the EU’s excellence or fancy words about the continent’s cultural history. All the dissatisfied and angry does not belong to civilization arsonists. ”The european crisis, the heart is the social question. The unemployment rate in France and the poverty in Bulgaria is a common problem. They affect all europeans”.

If the retoriske snoopy Bernard-Henri Lévy may be held to learn the debate on Europe soon to be lost.

Read more: A devilishly entertaining nightmare

Read more: the House of Europe is burning