Jean-Marie Dedecker as an independent, elected at a VA list, it is not to say that the N-VA, CD&V and Open VLD, once again joining forces for a Flemish government is to be formed. “It is the result of the elections, in addition to it, as in a dictatorship, it happens. Why do we have elections?”, foetert him.

“This is a completely missed opportunity. Flat volksverlakkerij,” says Dedecker of the Newspaper of West Flanders, belgium. “And it is located in both the N-VA, as in the others. No one wants to be in a coalition with the Vlaams belang as well, but Never was able to sit back and say, ” now get yourself to a local government. He has the key in his hand.”

SEE ALSO. Well done with the woonbonus, their own justice and home affairs policy, and an ‘integration contract’ for new entrants: this is where the N-VA, the new Flemish government, go to:

“They’re five years in power, it has resulted in a kibbelkabinet.” continues Dedecker, further on in the Match. The mayor of Moscow would have preferred that the Flemish Interest is an could, but since no-one with the Vlaams belang wanted to be together, it was a majority vote with the extreme right-wing parties is not possible. “The Truth had to be able to sit back and relax, and others on a government form. Now, will there be a government of losers”, is to replicate Dedecker.

“It was a unique opportunity for you to see if it would work with the Vlaams belang, and in order to put an end to the ” black Sunday,” says Dedecker, who refers to the fall of Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, after a period of time gedoogsteun to be a minority.

SEE ALSO. The Truth: “a Coalition with the Flemish Interest, is almost impossible, in the future,”

However, it has Dedecker, there will be no regrets, that he was as independent on the N-VA list in mind, at the time of the elections. “I have to agree, with 80 per cent of their points of view, including, for example, about the integration, and the decree of to in the introductory memorandum is,” he said.
More about the N-VA, The negotiation is started, those who claim, in which ministersposten the government’s Ham and I? ‘Huisideoloog of the SP.A remarkably kind to the introductory memorandum on N-VA: “Six months wait for child benefit, it is fair to” Formateur Jan Jambon (N-VA) flute, the negotiations, the Flemish government launched Would in a tight pace of work,” “a PS is willing to work with the VA to negotiate about the confederalisme”