Johanna Vehkoo lie revealed to time manual I the idea is to offer a fact check and source criticism tools that help to determine whether any of the online movable thing is true or false.

– for Such a work, it’s been clear orders. People worry if they can identify what is reliable information and what is not. I’m thinking that such a tool are the new civil skills, which is good to share as many as possible different ways, Vehkoo said.

vehkoo, according to the disinformation, i.e. intentionally and misinformaatio i.e. unintentionally spread the wrong information the applicant is currently a channel where people are. For example, the use of social media has shifted to the private channel, group discussions have more and Whatsapp has become increasingly popular instant messaging tool – in these places lurk also fake news and rumors.

– Disinformation and misinformaatio find constantly new channels and new formats. It moves faster than us, and when we try to identify and combat it, we are always one step behind, as an investigative journalist working Vehkoo amount.

Deepfake-videos belong to future threat scenarios

This a moment kiperimmäksi problem Vehkoo list deepfake-videos, which is also used for the deep fake term. It is of synthetic video and audio scams, which at worst is difficult to say whether they are correct or not.

– Deepfake-videos still do not come very often, ordinary users, but they have a good talk, because it is a genuinely dangerous phenomenon. The more people are aware of what technology can achieve, the better.

Deepfake-videos general horror scenario is that, for example, a significant state leader’s mouth injected with a speech, that this is not really said, and that video will become viral.

at Worst, this can lead to a declaration of war in it. The wider threat is that of moving images to prove the strength deteriorates. Leading politicians may claim, for example, that they never have said anything like what the video shows. At the same time creating a situation where all is vague and under suspicion.

Social media in the world give rise to questions currently also the algorithm for you.

Algorithms per se are not good or evil, but because of the social media operators are not in any way have opened their mechanisms, we don’t have proper ways to explore them. It’s something about power use.

researchers in the Field have managed to find out, to some extent, for example, youtube’s algorithm for the logic. The investigations have revealed evidence that algorithms based on strong negative emotions, such as rage awakening.

Algorithm to drive people sensitive to extreme content of a couple, even if they originally would have even applied. All this of course feeds radikalisaatiota, Vehkoo said.

When Finland was lost to the world map

in his Book Vehkoo has also dealt with conspiracy theories, which have in recent years been rising from the margin to the mainstream, the mainstream public as raw material and populist politicians speech topics.

for Example, in the united states has been spread to several conspiracy theories, which democrat politicians have been told to belong to a satanist in the pedophile rinkeihin. At worst, this kind of conspiracy theories you have led up to acts of violence.

– This theory got some american man to go to sort things out, to seize a gun and shooting. Numerous countries have also been spread out child kidnapping stories that have led to the murders and lynkkauksiin. Conspiracy theories have existed since at least Roman emperor Nero since ancient times, but because of currently, such information distribution apparatus has social media increased very effective, can be found hulluimmatkin conspiracy theories quickly supporters.

All the conspiracy theories, however, are not life-threatening. In the middle ages, amusing frenzy your conspiracy theory Vehkoo list Redditistä left in a joke that the Finnish are really exist, but rather that Finland’s land area is the sea, where the japanese are fishing.

– It is an absurd and harmless thing, which is not far-reaching political consequences, but this too has gone for some people going through. It seems like you don’t exist so far-fetched a conspiracy theory, that the fact someone to believe.

See, what is the source of information

If not at a general level, want to embed fake news, misinformaation and conspiracy theories hetteikköihin, you should Johanna Vehkoo, according to at least a closer look at your social media account or website, which it is.

I Can for example see what else that entity is published and whether the line between the readable strong political ideology, which the news color to. At the same time can reflect on what motive the publication of things to do.

Also the use of language is worth looking at: fake news of to distinguish the often – not always – the language I use. Ideologically download new fake news to the recipient seeks often to control the negative emotions in the direction of, for example, to attack a vocabulary and an exclamation of plenty of use.

I’ve previously recommended to search for contacts and see who published behind the right thing is – did you find there for example the editor’s name. Currently, many of the fake media and hate sites, however, are realizing that just such signs of people are looking for and they named published their so-called editor. Misinformaatiota can no longer recognize this either.

One of the reliable information of the hallmark, however, is and remains: it is divided into data transparency.

It, that explains clearly what information you are based and where they are coming from, Johanna Vehkoo summed up.

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