A few weeks before the Start of the jungle camps, 2019 (Friday, 11. January) festival is now well, who at the 13. Season of “I’m a celebrity – get me out of here!”. In the past weeks and months has been wildly speculated as to who could belong to the candidate. Now, the question has to be clarified.

The Bild newspaper (and which is in respect of RTL’s Shows are known to be particularly well-informed) should be the final candidate list for the jungle camp in 2019. Thus, there are 12 candidates and replacement candidates. Although one may assume that RTL has more than one replacement candidate in the hindquarters.

the Bild newspaper with the name on the candidate list for the jungle camp, 2019 face, want to give RTL a comment. What is the transmitter power, but always before the official launch in January. The candidates, whose names should be on the list, would not comment to the image either to the topic or they left the question of the newspaper remain unanswered. The image emphasizes: “it was Denied, however, not a request.”

jungle camp, 2019: all candidates

jungle camp candidate(in)

Known as

Bastian Yotta

swank-millionaire, “Adam eve”, “The Yottas addiction! With full speed through America”

Tommi Piper

the speaker of “Alf”, dubbing artist, singer, actor

Chris Töpperwien

“sausage king” of the Vox TV show “Goodbye Deutschland! The emigrants”

Domenico de Cicco

Reality TV contestant (“Bachelor in Paradise,” “Bachelorette”)

Evelyn Burdecki

Reality TV contestant (“Bachelor in Paradise”, “celebrity Big Brother”, “Bachelor’s degree”)

Gisele Oppermann

“Weeping candidate” in “Germany’s Next Topmodel”

Sibylle Rauch

actress and adult Star (“ice-style”, Pornographic movies)

Doreen Dietel

actress (“girls, girls 2”, “Dahoam is Dahoam”)

Sandra kiriasis and her

Bob-Olympic gold medallist (Gold in Turin in 2006)

Felix van Deventer

actor (GZSZ)

Peter Orloff


Leila Lowfire

Busty girls and Sex expert

Tobias Wegener (replacement candidate for Bastian Yotta)

Reality TV contestant (“Love Island”)

jungle camp, 2019: they were seen as potential candidates – but not here

Günther Krause (due to the compulsory medical Test for the jungle camp like) to participate in the jungle camp 2020 moved: Daniela Buchner, Annemarie Eilfeld
Emilija Mihailova

jungle camp, 2019 – presentation of the candidates in the Video

Official dates for the jungle camp in 2019: Start-up and final

can Now enjoy all the jungle camp-Fans. The dates for the Start and Finale of the new seasons.

13. Season of “I’m a celebrity – Get me out of here!” starts on Friday 11. January 2019 at 21.15 on RTL. the final of The jungle camps in 2019 will be held on Friday, 26. January 2019 instead. It starts at 21.15.

has Now given RTL the dates are officially announced. According to this, the jungle camp, 2019 from 11. up to the 26. January run.

there are Still a few weeks until the Start of the jungle camps in 2019. In January, the F pull – up Z-list celebrities in the Australian Bush. But even now, the names of the candidates are said to have signed a contract with RTL circulating in the media.

The Bild newspaper and the magazine Closer to announce the exclusive first jungle camp-participants are in the race for the title of jungle king or jungle Queen. The Bild-Zeitung is known to be informed in terms of RTL’s Shows are notoriously good, so that the announcement of the candidates, called the tabloid, comes an unofficial confirmation of the same.

jungle camp, 2019: Leila Lowfire is a candidate

+ Leila Lowfire was once the girlfriend of Rammstein singer Till Lindemann and is a candidate in the jungle camp in 2019.© picture alliance / Jens Kalaene/ / Jens Kalaene

Na, which fits well into the jungle camp! Leila Lowfire (25) to move to image information, into the jungle camp in 2019. If you now ask: “Who is that?” The Busty beauty is also active as a Sex expert. An eye-catching you with her voluptuous bust. And talks about Sex in the jungle camp, the audience (and RTL) to listen to for sure very much.

Leila Lowfire operates with her friend Ines Anioli a Sex Podcast (“Better than Sex”). Ah: at times it was as a friend of Rammstein singer Till Lindemann in the headlines.

Under the profile leilalowfire you find the jungle camp candidate Leila Lowfire in Instagram.

jungle camp, 2019: curry sausage-king Chris Töpperwien is

there is a check-list for potential jungle camp candidates – Chris Töpperwien would meet all the points:

experience with Reality TV formats? Check! Extrovert manner and penchant for self-expression? Check! With power in front of the camera Shit? Check!

Chris Töpperwien was considered the “sausage king” of the Vox TV show “Goodbye Deutschland! The emigrants“ is known. The shipment is documented, as he will be Currywurst Business in the United States. The 44-Year-old wandered in 2011 in the United States after Los Angeles and wanted to fulfill his American Dream with a currywurst Truck. He is since then as the “sausage man”. He was also, in 2016, with his wife Magey Kalley (he now lives away from her) in the RTL-Show “to see The summer home of the Stars – battle of the celebrity couples.” The Couple took third place.

to The decision to go into the jungle, no longer appears in the TV experience is now even surprising. Besides, he was already tough life of adventure, and the Breakfast-TV Sat.To see 1.

the Bild newspaper reported, Chris Töpperwien on Tuesday, 4. December, box office and have made films for the jungle camp in 2019. And on this occasion, he should be in front of a Hotel in Cologne, sighted. At the request of the tabloid töpperwien did not want to confirm his entrance into the jungle camp in 2019 – but not to deny.

+ “sausage-king” Chris Töpperwien to move into the jungle camp in 2019.© RTL / Stefan Menne

Under the profile currywurstmann_official you find the jungle camp candidate Chris Töpperwien in Instagram.

the jungle camp of 2019: Bob-Olympic champion Sandra kiriasis and her, too?

a professional athlete in the jungle camp? We had often. Among other things, the Ex-Kicker Thomas Hässler, Thorsten Legat, or Ansgar Brinkmann. And in which sport would you place Sandra kiriasis and her?

resolution: Sandra kiriasis and her birth name of Sandra Prokoff won in 2006 at the winter Olympics, the gold medal games in Torino, Italy in the bobsled, and brought, moreover, seven world champion title. The 43-Year-old should be according to the image of a candidate at the jungle camp, 2019.

TV viewers may remember from the ProSieben Show “Wok-WM” with Stefan Raab. As a team member you brought in the show, two Gold and silver medals.

Actually, Sandra kiriasis and her should also train the Jamaican women’s bobsled team for the 2018 winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. But just before the sports Event, she was dismissed – which culminated in a publicly-held dispute. But in this Drama-qualities she is sure to be an ideal candidate for the jungle camp in 2018.

kiriasis and her to have been committed by RTL as a replacement candidate, because Danni Büchner is now-probably not until the 2020 to the jungle camp.

+ Bob-Olympic champion Sandra kiriasis and her to be a contestant in the jungle camp in 2018.© picture alliance / dpa / Tobias Hase

the profile Sandra kiriasis and her you can find the jungle camp candidate Sandra kiriasis and her in Instagram.

jungle camp, 2019: a “Dahoam is Dahoam”-Star to Australia?

Draws a former “Dahoam is Dahoam”-Star jungle camp? Looks like it: According to the picture of an actress Doreen Dietel is among the candidates of the RTL Show. She has met only Recently, the dream of opening their own Café in Dürnbach in Gmund am Tegernsee. The cake for the “Dürnbecker” bakes Dietels new love Michael Herrmann.

Whether or not he and her four-year-old son Marlow accompany the mother to the Australian Outback? “I don’t give any comment,” said Doreen Dietel on demand Merkur.de*. Which is understandable. After all, the RTL-contracts require the participants to maintain confidentiality.

Ten years (from 2007 to 2017) played Doreen Dietel in the Bavarian Daily Soap “Dahoam is Dahoam” the role of Trixi Preissinger. In addition, the actress in numerous TV-productions was to be seen: in the “intimate zone parents”, “mountain priest” or “Utta Danella – The moon in the lake-in-law”.

in 2007, moved out Doreen Dietel for the June issue of the men magazine Playboy. The Cover image, which shows her naked with a snake, you can see almost application photo for the jungle camp. At the time, Playboy was quoted: “This woman loves it is dangerous.” Is ideal in terms of the jungle tests in Australia. Before the Start of the RTL jungle camp pulls out of each year is traditionally a contestant in Playboy. In 2018, it was Giluiana Farfalla, 2016 letting Jenny Elvers 44 years, that kind of stuff. Thus, we see the 44-year-old Doreen Dietel may 2019 and again in the men’s magazine.

+ Doreen Dietel is supposed to be a candidate in the jungle camp in 2019..© picture alliance / dpa / Ursula Düren

Under the profile doreen_dietel you can find the jungle camp candidate Doreen Dietel in Instagram.

jungle camp, 2019: Bastian Yotta could item be

he is Allowed to move at all into the jungle camp in 2019? According to a media report, Bastian Yotta at the airport in Frankfurt, was arrested on charges of tax evasion. (Link to tz.de*) But: After a day he came back for a Deposit – which should have been deposited according to the image of RTL. The transmitter should be rotated with Bastian Yotta is also already a box office film for the jungle camp. Apparently, RTL considers its participation in the 13. Season of “I’m a celebrity – get me out of here!” is quite possible. As reported by the Sender to have been approved by the competent judge also Yottas exit in his adopted home of the United States. There, he would be deprived of, theoretically, also access the German Justiu. Apparently, you hold it in judicial circles, that it is unlikely that Bastian Yotta does not want to cooperate with the authorities.

He would be perfect in any case into the jungle camp Bastian Yotta (43) fit: – the Bastian Gillmeier and from Landshut is the ideal man for each of the Trash TV Format. The muscle-bound swank-millionaire (live, at least according to their own data) in Hollywood and made in the past year already with the “Adam seeks eve” for attention. Among other things, with an erection that brought another candidate to shout. A scene Bastian Yotta, commented on wince with a shrug.

At the end of the Show were Yotta Bastian and Natalia Osada a Few – but only for a short time. In the meantime, he should be in solid hands. Prior to that, he was in a relationship with Maria herring, carried temporarily the name Maria Yotta and RTL viewers as a former American idol Contestant could be.

2016 staged both in the ProSieben Show “The Yottas! With full speed through America“ – the docu-Soap the coronation of the immodesty of Bastian Yotta. With Lamborghini, luxury Villa, expensive clothes, he directed at the side of his then-girlfriend Maria Yotta. Your exclusive Lifestyle to the swank-couples-documented on Instagram and Facebook. Bastian Yotta is known as an Ego-actor thick to apply. And probably the jungle camp, the producers have hired him to do which is exactly why as a candidate.

+ Draws Bastian Yotta into the jungle camp in 2019?© MG RTL D

Under the profile yotta_coaching you can find the jungle camp candidate Bastian Yotta in Instagram.

Tobias Wegener in the jungle camp in 2019? He is a replacement-candidate for Bastian Yotta

For the case of the cases, the RTL has already a replacement candidate in the hindquarters: According to the picture, Tobias Wegener (25) to step in, if Bastian Yotta may not move into the jungle camp in 2019.

From the physique, it is Bastian Yotta quite similar. He was also seen in a TV-dome-Show: Tobias Wegener was the second season of the RTL2 show “Love Island”. Natasha the hatchet and Tobias Wegener were one of the couples that were together in the Show. However, the relationship was a few weeks after the end of the program history.

+ Tobias Wegener’s supposed to be a replacement candidate for the jungle camp in 2019.© RTL2 / Magdalena Possert

Under the profile fit_tobi93 you find Deschungelcamp replacement candidate Tobias Wegener in Instagram.

jungle camp, 2019: The voice of “Alf” in the Australian Bush.

As the image reports, also drag Tommi Piper (77), the German voice of shaggy Alfs, 2019 in the jungle. It’s funny how things change: in 2016, he had stressed to the tz yet, he had rejected an offer for the jungle camp, because “I won’t let myself get to the monkeys.”

His voice still almost everyone: Alf, the alien, in the 1980s, television viewers in the eponymous Sitcom Laugh. Actor Tommi Piper dubbed the lovable Alien for three years. “At the end of the role but was even harmful for me, because I was able to make after that, no normal stuff anymore,” he once said in an Interview. Because Alf is a clothes figure – and the Film and TV people would forget that he was an experienced actor and synchronous speaker.

Tommi Piper actors such as Nick Nolte (77), Harvey Fierstein (63) and Andrew Dice (60) lent his voice. In addition, he also starred in many films. “For three years I had not one single day more,” said Piper in June 2018, the tz. As he told the tabloid, he would have synchronized for the Streaming service, Netflix, also like Tony Danza (67) in the series “The good Cop”. However, his voice had been deemed too old to sync with Tony Danza. Perhaps the money was the decisive factor for the participation at the jungle camp of 2019 (Link to *tz.de).

+ He was the German voice of Alf: Tommi Piper into the jungle camp in 2019?© picture alliance/dpa / Stephan Jansen

On Instagram is not represented in the jungle camp candidate Tommi Piper.

Gisele Oppermann to move into the jungle camp, 2019

And, once again, a former GNTM candidate to move into the jungle camp. 2018 Transgender Model Giuliana Farfalla in Australia. Like the image and the Closer reports, Gisele Oppermann (29) to be a candidate at the jungle camp, 2019.

Who no longer remembers Gisele: she made it in 2008 and own, with countless tears, bursts of talk. Whether it is the other candidates, criticism of the Jury or the living situation: There was practically nothing that is not brought Gisele to Cry. In the end, they reached at least the sixth place. After their time in Greece, the half-Brazilian campaigned for the intimate scent “Vulva Original”. After all: Gisele could be in the jungle camp, 2019 for any amount of Drama.

To write their jungle camp-Gage Closer: “For a smaller five-figure amount you should have brought you now back out of the woodwork.”

+ Gisele Oppermann to move into the jungle camp in 2019.© picture alliance / dpa / Kay-Helge Hercher

Under the profile Gisele Oppermann you can find the jungle camp candidate, Gisele Oppermann at Instagram.

Sibylle Rauch: a candidate for the jungle camp, 2019

the ‘ 80s erotic star Sibylle Rauch to pull out as a candidate to the jungle camp in 2019. The reported, at least in terms of RTL formats are notoriously well-informed Bild-Zeitung.

The 58-Year-old many will remember from the ‘ 80s cult film series, “ice cream on a stick.” The former erotic actress is to cash in, according to the image of a six-digit sum for their participation.

Sibylle Rauch was in three Parts (and in a Spin-Off) of the “Popsicle”. Starting in 1987, the native of Munich was (actually: to see Erika Roswitha Rauch) in some Hardcore films. Your cocaine addiction and a suicide attempt left her film career in the late 1990s to a Standstill. In 2006, the smoke worked briefly for a brothel in Klagenfurt, Austria, in the following years, she worked as a call girl.

Sibylle Rauch was already in existence for the jungle camp 2013 an offer. “At that time, her health not to be allowed to state this but,” says the image.

+ Sibylle Rauch in 2005 (here together with Dolly Buster, in a Munich adult video store).© dpa/dpaweb / A3608 Oliver Weiken

the end of the 2017 smoke-the image confessed: “I have verkokst half my life and messed up!” By the end of 2016 Sibylle Rauch met at the low point of your life (“I was desperate, almost toothless, and homeless, in“) your new love Alex. “He is the love of my life – my bussibaer. He brought me out of it, me new teeth and Breasts paid.“

a few months Ago, the actress in the picture that you have your life back together, reported: “now I do a lot of sports, go twice a week to run and do Gymnastics.” Finally, she was back in Form, told Sibylle Rauch: “I got my dream measurements: 93-60-90. Through Sport and healthy eating I have put on muscle and weight. Instead of 46, I weigh 55 kilos.“

If you knew as from the jungle camp in 2019? Sibylle Rauch is not the first former porn Star in “I’m a celebrity – Get me out of here!” Also, Dolly Buster, Michaela Schaffrath (aka Gina Wild) and Melanie Müller in front of their appearances in the jungle camp in adult films.

On Instagram is not represented in the jungle camp candidate Sybille Rauch.

Domenico de Cicco: Bachelorette-contestant in the jungle camp, 2019

Further, the picture reported that Domenico de Cicco (35) as a candidate to stand. He was only a few months ago, in the RTL-dome show “Bachelor in Paradise”. RTL has not commented on this jungle camp-the message of the image, as usual: “We are involved in speculation.” Just before the departure to Australia in January, the candidate of the current season of “I’m the Cologne station, a Star known to Get me out of here!” officially.

+ Domenicio de Cicco will also move into the jungle camp in 2019.© RTL / Arya Shirazi

In the dome Show, he and Evelyn Burdecki was a Few. A few weeks after the Finale Evelyn Domenico was – via RTL. The reason: she had to know that another woman is expecting a child of Domenico and accused him to have betrayed them.

Domenico not denied the paternity, but stressed to have Evelyn not cheated. Nevertheless, there has been no reconciliation of the two. And now guess, who will also move into the jungle camp in 2019… caution: drum roll!

Under the profile domenico_decicco_official you can find the jungle camp candidate Domenico de Cicco in Instagram.

Evelyn Burdecki is to draw a candidate at the jungle camp, 2019

As the image is also a “Bachelor”candidate Evelyn Burdecki (30) into the jungle camp in 2019 – what, however, had revealed to the magazine Closer. Evelyn Burdecki could meet in the jungle camp to your Ex Domenico De Cicco. Their relationship had taken a tragic end, as a De Cicco was suddenly a father. Not of Evelyn. A lot of talking for long nights by the camp fire.

A reunion of two separate candidates, there was still never in the history of the RTL-Show. We may experience the bitter accusations, insults and tears? Or the great reconciliation between Evelyn and Domenico’s coming in the jungle camp? The producers of the Show can congratulate to this commitment, truly..

how do you know Evelyn Burdecki? The only Reality TV formats. She was already a candidate for “The Bachelor”, “celebrity Big Brother” and – as already mentioned – in the case of “Bachelor in Paradise”.

To your Gage writes Closer: “For the participation at the jungle camp, you can expect a minimum of 30,000 euros.

+ Evelyn Burdecki to be a candidate at the jungle camp, 2019.© MG RTL D / Arya Shirazi

Under the profile evelyn_burdecki you can find the jungle camp candidate Evelyn Burdecki in the case of Instagram.

jungle camp, 2019: Peter Orloff should be a candidate

According to the newspaper Bild Schlager singer Peter Orloff (74) as a candidate into the jungle camp in 2019. More precisely, Orloff, the replacement candidate for Ex-Federal Minister, Günther Krause, who is unable to attend due to health reasons, the Show is said (see below).

Thus, Orloff is once again a candidate from the charts Generation for the jungle camp. Last hit-singer Tina York was on “I’m a celebrity – get me out of here!”. In the past, among other things, the hit sizes of Costa Cordalis and Bata Ilic in the jungle camp. Cordalis sought after all, the title. In the case of Tina York passed it (against their EXPLärten will) for third place. Thus, Peter Orloff could get pretty far.

+ Peter Orloff is a candidate at the jungle camp, 2019.© picture alliance/dpa / Tobias Hase

His greatest success as a singer Peter Orloff had in the 70s. As a composer and producer, he worked with well-known artists such as Julio Iglesias, Freddy Quinn, Bernd Clüver, and Peter Maffay.

For years, Peter Orloff, who comes from a Russian family, the Original black sea Cossacks produced choir, and occurs with him in churches.

On Instagram is not represented in the jungle camp candidate Peter Orloff.

jungle camp, 2019: GZSZ-Star Felix van Deventer is a candidate

And there he is, the Soap Star for the jungle camp in 2019: Felix van Deventer (22) plays at Good times, bad times (GZSZ) the role of Jonas Seefeld. As the picture reported he is in the 13. Season of “I’m a celebrity – get me out of here!”. According to his GZSZ profile page, he spends his holidays “by the sea, but also in the nature”. Well, that’s the ideal conditions for jungle camp.

So is Soap a candidate you can bring it up in the Show quite far. 2015 managed GZSZ actor Jörn Schlönvoigt, it is after all, on the second place.

the profile of Felix vandeventer you find the jungle camp candidate Felix van Deventer at Instagram.

+ Felix van Deventer is a candidate in the jungle camp in 2019.© MG RTL D / Bernd Jaworek

in 2020: Daniela Büchner has signed up for the jungle camp

The jungle camp of 2019 takes place, without Daniela Büchner. After the death of her husband Jens Büchner, is, according to the image-probably not until 2020 in the Australian Bush. A contract for the coming season should you have already signed up. RTL gives you but because of the mourning for her deceased husband, to move your participation to one year.

It would have been her first appearance in a Reality TV Format without a husband, Jens. The 40-Year-old tinder can bring in a Reality-TV Format showed in the “summer home of the Stars” in 2018. She and her husband “malls”-Jens Büchner (it was 2017 in the jungle camp) on pretty much all of the other participants. The mood swung so high that husband Jens conceded almost beating. In terms of creep-factor Danni Büchner could be the new Helena Prince and like its predecessor, get a subscription to the jungle-tests.

Danni Buchner was asked in an Instagram Story already, if you could imagine a participation in the jungle camp. Your answer: “I never thought about it”. Garnished with a Smiley face. A denial sounds different.

According to the Closer to get to than the jungle camp candidate, a fee of 45,000 euros. For subsequent participation in the case of “The perfect celebrity Dinner” to receive an additional 8,000 euros.

+ Always a ruckus brushed: Daniela Büchner to move into the jungle camp in 2019.© MG RTL D / Bernd-Michael Maurer

Under the profile dannibuechner you can find Daniela Büchner in Instagram .

Not in the jungle camp, 2019: Ex-Federal Minister Günther Krause failed a medicine check

This would have been an absolute Premiere: A former Federal Minister in the jungle camp! As the Bild newspaper reported, Ex-transport Minister Günther Krause (65) have a pre-contract for the RTL-Show signed. At the request of the tabloid, the former CDU politician denied that he would go into the jungle camp, but at the same time, he admitted that there had been a request.

is Now clear: Günther Krause has fallen through the mandatory medical Test for the jungle camp. Krause has been suffering for years from heart problems. Participation in the Show in the Australian Bush would have been probably life-threatening.

Krause explained to the Bild-Zeitung why he is not a candidate in the jungle camp, 2019: “It was in the first line of the contents of the shipment. But the medical Check was not very unimportant.“

+ Ex-transport Minister Günther Krause is traded as a possible candidate for the jungle camp in 2019.© dpa / Bernd Wüstneck

After his political career, the former Minister of transport provided a number of headlines: in 1993, he lost his Ministerial post after it was discovered that he had his cleaning lady from the employment office subsidize. In 2009, he was sentenced to 14 months in prison on probation. It was fraud in connection with his company “build-Invest”, infidelity and accused of tax evasion. In March 2018, Krause had to pay a fine in the amount of 5400 euros due to insolvency and bankruptcy of its consulting company “IBP”.

Also in April 2018, he caused a stir, since he lived illegally in a Villa, which he purchased but never paid for. The owners waited months for their payment. As an additional merit from the jungle camp was actually located. Nothing will come of it.

On Instagram is not represented in the jungle camp candidate, Günther Krause.

Not in the jungle camp, 2019: Annemarie Eilfeld was as a candidate

Well, who knows? In 2009, Annemarie Eilfeld (28) as a candidate for American idol known. Mainly because of their generous performances, less because of the quality of your voice. Open zoffte with Juror Dieter Bohlen and was described by him as “Bitch”. At the time, she won the third place in “Germany seeks the Superstar”.

+ Annemarie Eilfeld (28) to be a candidate at the jungle camp, 2019.© picture alliance / George Wendt/d / Georg Wendt

still makes music. Your career has not reached the Level of a Helene Fischer or Vanessa may – still cautious. Soon, the singer is performing in the TV again in front of an audience of millions.

As the Closer, reported, should, Annemarie Eilfeld also be a candidate at the jungle camp, 2019: “Now you should worry about in the Bush for even more uproar and a racket.” To wrote your possible jungle camp-Gage Closer: “so Far you got, according to his own statement, EUR 2,500 per appearance. Since RTL could now hang loose a Zero….”

Now seems to be clear: Annemarie Eilfeld will not move into the jungle camp of 2019!

The singer said on her Facebook profile that you “don’t” will definitely move into the jungle camp in 2019: “The stands since years for me to debate and also, when I turn on from time to time, like, ‘I want to be a jungle camp candidate, and have expressed nothing of the kind.”

the profile annemarie_eilfeld you can find the jungle camp-contestant Annemarie Eilfeld in Instagram.

Not in the jungle camp, 2019: Emilija Mihailova was as a candidate

that has the Dieter Bohlen, but recognized early on: As Emilija Mihailova (29) in the case of American idol in 2018, he accused her of taking part only, to profile for other TV formats. You to fell, especially with the skimpy Outfits, less with a great voice. About this American idol-a recipe for success you can share in the jungle camp in 2019 with Annemarie Eilfeld.

Dieter Bohlen said of the singer: “You wanted to be known. The did you reach. I’m sure that more and more people of TV-formats are going to call you, to want you for the jungle and the devil knows what, as a spectator, to see you here.“ Bohlen was an early departure from American idol, which is what happened in the first Motto Show. But he also said: “I think we’ll be hearing from you a lot and see”

and lo And behold: In November, Emilija Mihailova candidate in the case of “Adam sucht Eva” in 2018. After TV-Germany has seen it on RTL in the Nude, she would have to swallow in January in the jungle camp in 2019, also the same animal-testicle food and sperm from the Bush-dwellers.

the Closer was traded as a possible Participant. the On the candidate list of the image for the jungle camp 2019 Emilija Mihailova does not appear.

+ Emilija Mihailova to be a candidate at the jungle camp, 2019.© MG RTL D

Under the profile e_mihailova you can find the jungle camp candidate Emilija Mihailova in Instagram.

jungle camp, 2019: Pulls Rafael van der Vaart as a candidate in the jungle?

And then there were rumors of a another jungle camp residents: Rafael van der Vaart (35). In early November, the Ex-husband of Sylvie Meis had gone surprisingly in the football pension. It pulls him from the green grass in the jungle? On his Twitter Account, the Dutchman shared a Screenshot of his phone screen to see two missed calls. One comes from the former coach of the English national team, Harry Redknapp (71), which Brings in the UK Version of “I’m a celebrity me out of here!”.

The other message came from ITV Productions, the production company of “IBES”. Wrote this picture of Rafael: “I shouldn’t have to announce my retirement.”Just a joke? Looks very much! the On the candidate list of the image for the jungle camp of 2019 van der Vaart does not appear.

jungle camp, 2019: Is the JS in the theme-cult candidate Klaudia ‘with K’ Giez?

Klaudia ‘with K’ Giez, the cult of a candidate for “Germany’s next Topmodel” in this year, as a candidate for the jungle camp in 2019 traded. In the first line of your self. Klaudia is a photo published in your Story. To see the question from a fan was: “are you Going into the jungle camp?” Klaudias answer: A grinning Smiley. And also in Instagram she posted the question: “Why do so many of you, I’m going to the jungle camp?”

the candidate list of image for the jungle camp 2019 Klaudia Giez does not appear.

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It was so cool yesterday at the @glowcon today, I’m back and you can meet me at the meet & greet ! I’m curious who I’m going to see anything Until later !❤ @roks_iiii #glowcon #happy #fun #berlin

A post shared by Klaudiamitk (@klaudiagiez) on Oct 28, 2018 at 2:19am PDT

Otto Waalkes want to camp into the jungle: How RTL

Otto Waalkes surprised with a statement to the jungle camp at RTL in an Interview. “If I were to go into the jungle camp? Of course, but it hasn’t asked me yet,” he said to the magazine Hörzu. A truly astonishing confession from the German star comedian.

occasion of a few months past Interviews was the publication of his biography “the cerebellum at all”. In an interview with the magazine, he clarified: “If a sincere offer would be, how could I refuse?“ It is Otto Waalkes would be “a great honour to be invited”. In addition, one should not underestimate the audience of the jungle camps. “Let’s see, if I could amuse an intellectual audience,” said Waalkes.

jungle camp, 2019: RTL manifests itself to the request of Otto Waalkes

RTL has expressed to Otto Waalkes jungle plans. “On the topic of IBES-candidates, we will not comment in advance of the Show,” said an RTL spokesman of a request by The West.

Only this week, Otto Waalkes received the Federal cross of merit by Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Recently announced is RTL-moderator Sonja Zietlow that all the participants are available for the jungle camp ready.

jungle camp, 2019 in the case of RTL: Now all the “IBES”-candidate

RTL has apparently signed all the contracts with the candidates for the jungle camp in 2019. According to a Facebook Posting from the jungle camp-moderator Sonja Zietlow.

On Monday, the station suspended them aware to do with which candidates in the next jungle camp season.

On your Facebook Account, Sonja Zietlow wrote: “Today, it will be exciting…. uiuiui…. I’m actually going to learn today, who will grace us in the jungle in January, so everything… fingers crossed that we get good performers and characters. But I can tell you nothing. I’ll tell you the same!“

candidates for the jungle camp, 2019 fixed

Even if Sonja Zietlow highlights your Confidentiality obligation: We may therefore assume, that soon the first names of the candidates in the jungle camp, 2019 popping up in the media. In the past few years, it was always in terms of RTL’s Shows are notoriously well-informed newspaper Bild, announced the candidates. And with an extremely high hit rate, such as in January always shows when the Cologne-based private channel reported, the participants officially.

jungle camp, 2019: the candidates are not yet public

Only shortly before the departure to Australia’s RTL reveals which candidates are in the current jungle camp season. Until then, all the media get to ask to possible candidates the same answer: “How not to participate in speculation.”

jungle camp, 2019: These rumors about the candidates, there is already

jungle camp-Fans have to wait a bit until the new season of the RTL Reality Show “I’m a celebrity – Get me out of here!” There are some piquant candidate rumors, the sweeten us the waiting time up to the jungle camp, 2019 circulating. The jungle camp 2018 disappointed the Fans with 12 of the boring candidates. It will be in spite of poor odds is a new season confirmed RTL already. This will be broadcast as usual in January, live from Australia . It creates the RTL to attract exciting candidates in the jungle camp in 2019 than in the previous year?

+ Otto Waalkes is considered to be the hot candidate for the jungle camp in 2019.© Daniel Reinhardt/dpa

A very prominent application for the battle for the jungle crown is to be received according to the magazine HÖRZU: comedian Otto Waalkes would like to move into the next season in the jungle, but I have yet to receive any invitation from RTL. “If a genuine offer came along, how could I refuse? It would be a great honor to be invited,“ says the 70-Year-old. However, one can not take is known to all the Expressions of the Comedians at face value. Probably it is in the jungle camp-application only to a Gag.

jungle camp, 2019: Jürgen Wegmann is not a candidate

Known Ex-the football player belong to the inventory of the jungle inhabitants. It is possible that in the jungle camp in 2019, the former B undesliga striker Jürgen Wegman (54) became the successor of Thorsten Legat and Eike Immel. Already two years ago, he told sport Bild that he could imagine in the jungle. With his famous saying “I am more poisonous than the most poisonous snake”, and his nickname, “Cobra”, he would in any case predestined. And financially, Jürgen Wegmann, the earlier could FC Bayern, BVB and Schalke played the jungle camp of good use. He is now the life of a disability pension.

But On the candidate list of the image for the jungle camp 2019 Jürgen Wegmann does not appear.

for Sure is that RTL like every year, will again send a semi-famous TV star from the usual Reality formats like Deutschland sucht den Superstar, and Germany‘s next Topmodel in the jungle.

Vaness may as a candidate in the jungle camp in 2019?

That an a-is trading celebrity like Vanessa may as a candidate for the jungle camp in 2019, of course, sounds like a joke. Your career is going too well, so one would think that they would have to do in the Australian Bush. Actually, the blow, the Princess was asked in an Interview with the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, whether they could imagine a participation in the jungle camp. Your – little-surprising – answer: “Clear no. I don’t know what I should do.“ In 2019 we will not see Vanessa may definitely in the jungle camp. This forecast you can make without any concerns.

This candidate would be popular: Calmund in the jungle camp in 2019?

And then there are Reiner Calmund , the former Manager of Bundesliga side Bayer 04 Leverkusen. As he revealed in 2017 in the earlier VOX-show “Grill the Henssler”, gave it to the interest, to get him into the jungle camp. Undoubtedly, Calli would be a highly sympathetic candidate. He would be a participation by his own admission not entirely averse to. Only: the health of The pfundigen XXL-man is a feeder into the jungle camp in the way.

There was in the past, some participants had to leave the Camp for health reasons: Helmut Berger, Gunter Gabriel, Rolf Zacher, Giulia Siegel and Lisa Bund. That is why we will not see Reiner Calmund 2019 safe as a candidate.

jungle camp in 2019 without this blow star place

Long before the candidates for the jungle camp in 2019, the first cancellation. Fans of Tony Marshall can not look forward to, unfortunately, but to a participation of the 80-Year-old , such as image reports.

Although Tony Marshall would have liked it and have scheduled the Gage of approximately 300,000 Euro for his Foundation – but tell him to be a doctor to the exhausting trip. The singer is a heart suffer, make him the long flight to Australia impossible weakness.

+ It would be like to have been there – because of his heart condition, Tony Marshal had to cancel, however, the jungle camp, 2019.© Uli Deck/dpa

jungle camp, 2019: Dagmar Frederic has refused to participate twice

The German singer, dancer and presenter Dagmar Frederic, the has recently with your criticism of Thomas Gottschalk for riot, has apparently already received the offer twice, the RTL jungle camp. “But the questioning. I let my Image that I’ve built in 54 years, not broken,” said Frederic in the picture-Interview and added: “Besides, I don’t eat bugs.”

jungle camp, 2019: Stefanie Hertel, with a surprising confession to the Public

The German singer and presenter Stefanie Hertel not include participation to “I’m a celebrity – Get me out of here”! The NDR-documentary-Talk with Lars Eidinger, the 39-Year-old surprised everyone with an unexpected statement. To answered the question of whether they could imagine a participation in the RTL-Show, Hertel: “of Course you should never say Never. And, probably, really, if I have time… if I had one day really financial problems and would offer me and then somehow a Million or, I don’t know, a bunch of money and I say that now saves us, somehow, my financial Situation, then perhaps I would do it.”

+ Stefanie Hertel does not exclude a participation in the Show.© dpa / Sebastian Willnow

Additional incentive for candidates in the jungle camp, 2019

promised Potential candidates of the jungle camps in 2019, incidentally, a lucrative new RTL: Among other things, the successor of the jungle Queen of 2018 Jenny Frank Hauser is to get in the coming season for the first Time a winning sum of 250,000 euros , as the picture said.

The official confirmation of RTL is yet to be established. Apparently, a win bonus but it is sorely needed: It will make this year extremely difficult to find candidates for the jungle camp, so the online portal.


RTL starts at the beginning of November a new TV Show. The Moderator is only a young 25 years old.

jungle camp in 2019 risk: Bush fire close to the filming location

The jungle camp of 2019 is apparently in serious danger. In Australia, Bush fires have approached to already dangerous the location rage currently. The Bush fires in the North-East of Australia, have reached a level where the forecasters as “catastrophic”. The fire in the state of Queensland spread to the Region of the jungle camp which is located close to the East coast in the small town of Murwillumbah.

Currently there is the next season of the British jungle camps rotated. The ITV, which produces the Show for the UK, is in custody, reports the Mirror. The closest fire is to be rotated approached, therefore, from the North to 60 kilometers of the Camp in January, for RTL, the German “I’m a celebrity – Get me out of here!”. Currently, no evacuation of the participants was planned, however, ITV was also prepared for this case, told the station.

If the fires advance actually to Murwillumbah, it is threatening for the German jungle camp in 2019. The danger is real, because Australia is currently in the grip of scorching heat and extreme drought. In Brisbane, the state capital of Queensland, temperatures of 37.9 degrees. The fire brigade fought to the last against around 130 fires. “We will quickly see more and more fires flare up, this is only the beginning,” warned a spokeswoman from fire and rescue services on Wednesday to the news Agency AFP. It already came to the evacuations in the affected areas.

The Fans must now hope that the jungle camp in 2019 may take place as planned. To find until January for a replacement location, would be an impossible challenge.

*tz.de and Merkur.de are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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