Jeremy Corbyn is the opponents of the EU of the Swedish vänsterpartimodell, this is unusual in the Uk: a country where the EU-criticism tends to come from the right.

Jeremy Corbyns problem, however, is that he leads a parliamentary Labour party where most of the members are happy, the EU-enthusiasts. This is very much the traditional vänsterpositionen in the Uk: the EU is considered a guarantee for a stronger regulated labour market and tougher environmental and consumer protection than what Britain would otherwise have had.

fragmented. Even so detest the young inhabitants of the major conurbations Brexit, while many traditional arbetarklassväljare voted for. And it is why Jeremy Corbyn has spent the last two years, an impressive political balancing act. The Labour party has, under his direction managed to be for and against Brexit at the same time.

It has gone surprisingly well.

Jeremy Corbyns problem is that Theresa May is now trying to force him to choose the bones. When she at last Tuesday invited the Labour party to blocköverskridande call if Brexit she invited also into Jeremy Corbyn to potentially blow up their väljarkoalition in small pieces.

that the Uk leaves the EU, but many of his voters require a second referendum in which the option to remain in the EU should be included. When a million people marched on London’s streets in the march for such a referendum synthesis Jeremy Corbyn (who otherwise love protestmarscher more than his own beard).

Read more: Brexitförhandlare hope the talks between Corbyn and May

Collaborate Jeremy Corbyn with Theresa May in the next few days to deliver some form of the Brexit, he will be the man who made it possible for the Uk to leave the EU. He will personally be responsible for the british never got the opportunity to vote again. And there are those Labourväljare, especially many young people, who will never forgive him for it.

Theresa May, however, have the opposite problem. Fixed worse.

that is more pro-EUROPEAN than he himself, leads Theresa May a party that is more eurosceptic than what she herself is.

Jeremy Corbyn in the last two years has låtsats be more EU-friendly than he is (for the party’s sake), Theresa May låtsats be more EU-sceptical.

This means however, that the two leaders actually reach each other in the middle. Had it just been up to them, they had enough fairly quickly found a Brexitkompromiss. The uk had left the EU but remained in the EU customs union. It had left the EU common market: both Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May look to the free movement of people within the EU as a problem, so in the otherwise sensitive issue of immigration is no conflict.

In any case, not between Corbyn and May.

the Problem is that both must take into account their respective parties.

Then everything will be as familiar harder.