Nigel Farage, aktiemäklaren from Kent, who for over 25 years have fought for Britain to leave the EU is back in the centre of british politics. Against all the odds.

For Brexit was supposed to put a stop to him.

promised a referendum on uk EU membership in a high degree to prevent conservative voters from fleeing to the EU-critical Ukip-the party which at the time was led by Nigel Farage. And when Ukip became the largest in the british european parliament Elections in 2014, there was a bang that seemed to confirm the accuracy of David Cameron’s decision to hold a referendum.

And yes, you know how it went then.

This was five years ago.

Ukip is today the battle is in shambles. But not Nigel Farage.

In this year’s Elections to the european parliament is expected to his new party, Brexitpartiet, according to several opinion polls to be greater than that of the conservatives. Yes, even more than the conservatives and Labour together.

– Brexitpartiet is the conservatives biggest nightmare, ” says a person with the transparency of the conservative party leadership with emphasis.

when the Uk voted to leave the EU, much has happened. Prince Harry has, for example, managed to meet Meghan Markle, get back together with her, engaged with her, keep the royal wedding and becoming a father.

Prince Archie is just over a week old.

But the Uk has not managed to leave the EUROPEAN union, as someone recently pointed out.

the Country has broken up with Brussels, but on the three years not been able to pack up their stuff and pull.

Demonstrators for and against Brexit in London. Photo: Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP

may be a thing. To implement the Brexit turned out to be a completely different. The uk is therefore obliged to participate in elections to the european parliament next week: a choice that none of the established parties had expected to have to fight.

In march, the marching to a million people on the streets of London and demanded a second referendum on the Brexit. Many political analysts thought, therefore, that the parties who want to stop Brexit would do well in the european parliament Elections in may.

So it seems not to be.

Those who want Britain to remain in the EU, have been poorly attuned and unorganized. The new party Change UK – The Independent Group has neither been able to agree on its own name or its logo. This is why they just Change UK – The Independent Group…

who knows segervittring. The party that was formed just five months ago is disciplined, well-funded and has candidates both from the right and the left. Nigel Farage message is that Brexit is not about right and left, but about right and wrong. The people voted for something that the political elites have failed to deliver.

Hence the need for an Brexitparti.

Nigel Farage has also managed to keep away from the xenophobic rhetoric that has characterised his previous political projects. The message as he travels around the country with is simple: the people must once again show the elite who the boss is.

Seen from the parliament and the government departments in London have Brexit recent years, become more and more complicated. It has been about tullunionskompromisser, the peace agreement in northern Ireland, trade flows, food security and the uk corporate underleverantörskedjor.

All these things that Brexit proved to affect and which no one really thought of.

Farage and his colleague Ann Widdecombe. Photo: Oli Scarff/AFP

Brexit on the contrary, only become easier and easier. It’s barely even about the EU anymore. It is about who shall decide in the Uk: the people, or the elites. You should respect the folkomröstningsresultatet, or should it not?

some conservatives think even Brexitpartiet will mean the end for the british conservatives as a political force. Theresa Mays to deliver Brexit has hit the image of the conservatives as regeringsdugligt and what is really preventing people from voting on populism instead?

Others believe that the Brexitpartiet although enough will be the biggest in the european parliament Elections, but it does not mean that they also will manage to beat itself into the national parliament. Ukip won, for example, the european parliament Elections in 2014, but despite that won David Cameron the national elections the following year without major problems.

– The interesting thing is as soon as possible how Brexitpartiets success affects the ongoing battle about who should take over from Theresa May says a conservative.

Theresa May has promised that she will resign. Soon. And she will thus become the fourth conservative prime minister in a row who are forced away on the basis of the EU-the issue:

The conservative party’s curse.

It all started-as so much else with Margaret Thatcher. It was september 1988 and the EUROPEAN commission president, the socialist Jacques Delors delivered a speech to british trade unions. Jacques Delors laid out the text of his dream of a ”social Europe”: a federal EUROPE with a strong common rights for workers, regulated labour markets, and yes, perhaps even a common currency.

Prime minister Theresa May. Photo: Victoria Jones/Pool

literally red. In a speech in Bruges, in Belgium, thundered: ”We have not managed to roll back the state in Britain only to see them rolled forward again at the european level”. The european project risk, according to Margaret Thatcher to introduce socialism in Britain in the undemocratic back door.

”A european super-state that dominates us from Brussels”.

Margaret Thatcher’s speech in Bruges has assumed almost mythological proportions in the conservative party’s internal life. However, it should be added that the iron lady was not any opponents of the EU. She wanted to change the EU.

Not leave it.

by Contrast, called it is often said that Margaret Thatcher was deposed by the pro-EUROPEAN faction in the conservative party. This is partly true. Margaret Thatcher fell, after eleven years as prime minister and fifteen years as party leader, just on the issue of europe. She had been pressed to more or less against his own will tie the Uk into the european exchange rate mechanism (which was one of the steps towards the common european currency). But Margaret Thatcher didn’t want to go longer than that. This opened up for a coup against her. In november 1990, she left with tears in his eyes, Downing Street 10.

: ’the iron lady’ betrayed by the pro-EUROPEAN forces in the party.

Soon, the EU-sceptics back. John Major, who succeeded Margaret Thatcher, wrote in the treaty of Maastricht in 1992. It was now that the EC became the EU and Europe suddenly took a big step towards becoming a real political union.

Suddenly had conservative opponents of the EU something to gather around: his opposition to the Maastricht treaty, and the image of John Major had betrayed the country. Now it takes a civil war that ends in Brexitfolkomröstningen in earnest. In a hall at the London School of Economics founded Ukip. It’s a bunch of men who no longer feel they can be members of the conservative party who have had enough.

One of them is named Nigel Farage.

in 1999, and it starts to slowly go up for him that he can begin to connect the EUROPEAN resistance to a different and even more explosive issue: immigration.

”Say no to unlimited immigration, take back control of our borders,” Ukip’s election poster for the EUROPEAN parliamentary elections in 2009.

”26 million europeans are unemployed and whose job do you think they’re after?” asks the Ukip EU election posters 2014.

The old conservative euroscepticism is growing together with something else: an increasingly xenophobic and invandringskritiskt background noise.

handle the situation.

He wants to break the curse.

It goes like that.

Theresa May takes over, is convinced that she will, in any case avoid it. The EU question is settled. All she needs to do is to implement the Brexit.

How hard can it be?

Now, soon, Theresa May story. In the starting blocks is Boris Johnson, a former foreign minister, and Michael Gove, minister of agriculture.

the country and the fastkörda Brexitprocessen.

They follow carefully all of what Nigel Farage is doing. How well it goes for Brexitpartiet next week will play a big role for the Brexitstrategi the Uk’s next prime minister will choose.

And thus is Nigel Farage once again one of the country’s most influential politicians.

A position he soon begins to become accustomed.