the Christian democrats and the party Ebba Busch Thor made a strong choice and has gone even stronger in public opinion after the politically messy winter that led to Stefan Löfvens (S) other government.

In a recent survey from the Expressen/Demoskop increase support for the KD by 3.6 percentage points and landing at 10.6 per cent. The increase is statistically significant. If there was an election today, only the social democrats, The sweden democrats and the Conservatives attract more voters than KD.

– It is a very big rise, but it can be partially explained by the fact that the party is in a uppgångsfas. You talk a lot about the party and it is treated well in the media – success breeds success, ” says political scientist Tommy Möller.

has been declared with the moderate voters who previously were attracted by The sweden democrats now in place goes to KD. The sweden democrats have long been strong among men, but has been difficult to attract female voters. In the new measurement is the SD unchanged at 19.4 per cent.

” It is interesting that the KD is growing not only in the Conservatives and will Defend the expense, but seem to pick a little over the whole field. The centre party can lose allmänborgerliga constituents to KD, which is the most dynamic of the party right now, ” says Möller.

He also notes that the new measurement confirms the results from other lobbying firms, which is something that even KD’s party leader Ebba Busch Thor is based on:

“You should not stare themselves blind on single measurements, but the results here are in line with what is seen in other institutions. There is a need of a resolute opposition, and we in the Christian democrats have shown that we intend to continue shouldering the responsibility,” she writes in a comment to Expressen.

they measured in september 2002, when Alf Svensson was the leader. Compared with the election in the fall, the aid has increased by 4.3 percentage points.

In the new measurement may the Greens 4.1% (plus 0.9 percentage points), Liberals have a 3.0 percent (minus 0.3) and the Centre party gets 7,5 (-1,0).

– the Liberals are a party in free fall right now, with crisis after crisis. They go into a very important election, the EU elections in may, and if they would go out of the EU parliament, so it is a complete disaster, ” says Tommy Möller.

the Liberals ‘ party secretary, Maria Arnholm, admits that the party is in a “tough position”.

“I myself and our whole party will fight even harder to win the voters’ trust in the european Elections in may, ” she says to TT.