the 49-year-old Ken Tellefsen user 250.000 dollars a year on eating out. It corresponds to slightly more than 20,000 dollars per month.

he tells This in an interview with Migogkbh.

But although it might sound like a typical mln / modern language notes for a section of the Luksusfælden, so is Ken Tellefsens many restaurants is not a result of payday loans, and a escalating overuse. On the contrary it is the story of a great passion, and conscious.

Where some people get the joy of a big car, find Ken Tellefsen from Frederiksberg in gourmet cuisine. Photo: Private

– It is such a little atypical, if there is one, who has purchased a bike to 80,000 crowns, then there are many who know someone who has done the same. Or if you are travelling to Australia and spend 100,000 dollars. But people who spend money on gourmet food, there are not as many, who knows, says Ken Tellefsen to Ekstra Bladet.

– compared to what I get paid, I spend a very large percentage of gourmet. So it comes that my wife and I have a very low rent – 4000 kroner per month including heating, and we are two to pay. So combined with a sensible income doing it, I have the opportunity to spend money on gourmet food, he continues.

Ken Tellefsen, it’s not about how much money he uses. For as he is wont to say, so is money just postponed the joy. Where some people choose to spend the money on a big car, an expensive bike or a house with a high rent, and get pleasure from it, he uses instead of money on the gourmet. It gives namely him pleasure.

Ken Tellefsen compares his great passion for gourmet food with the, other has, for example, for art or football. Photo: Private

– There are many who believe that it is very stiff when you are out to eat at a gourmet restaurant. But it is only because you have not been out with me or generally have tried it. For it is not at all rigid, we laugh and laugh and laugh when we are out, says Ken Tellefsen, who has made many friends through his passion for good food. Several of them will he describe as his best friends.

– So you share the passion, like the other share a passion for FCK or Brøndby or something else. We meet and geeks food and wine as the other geeks who have been bought and sold or injured in football.

– Soccer jut me not a damn thing, but I love to hear about how it goes with the chef and the restaurant, what they served and what new dishes they have, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

When Ken Tellefsen tells people that he is using good and well a quarter of a million a year on gourmet food, there are many who completely lose the jaw.

– There are some who are completely unsympathetic, and think it is really a lot of money, and that I should take to spend it on something else. But then I ask, ‘what is your passion?’ and so it can, for example, a woman who responds, ‘I spend 20,000 on bags’. Then it is suddenly me who is sitting and shakes his head, laughs Ken Tellefsen.

If Ken Tellefsen must answer, what is the dining experience that is the best he has had, he may mention two. And they involve both the chef Wassim Halal. The one was when he went all the way from Aarhus, where he is chef at the award-winning restaurant Frederikshøj, to copenhagen in order to cook privately in the home of Ken Tellefsen. The other evening, where he, along with Wassim Halal and his wife visited the artist Michael Kvium, as he is a big fan of. Photo: Private

Ken Tellefsen can’t point to a particular experience has on his big gourmet passion. He describes it as a response there has been inside of him, in the same way as it is done for people who are being bitten by, for example, art, dance or soccer.

– There is just something with me, when I’m in a place where I’m surrounded by passionate people. I have a big heart for people, that goes one hundred percent into it, they do.

And just with the gourmet restaurants are all just a hundred percent passionate. That combined with the fact that I really like to eat good food and surround myself with happy people, do, that I think it is a great experience.

Ken Tellefsen about the worst and the best

What food will you avoid any?

most of The desserts with vegetables. It is really god’s punishment to mankind, haha. And so usually I always say that I would like to avoid kolbekaffe. I would just like to have my espresso.

What is your favorite food?

One of my absolute favorite dishes is a right, I got as prøveret at Mielcke and Hurtigkarl. They should test it on me, and I was COMPLETELY blown away. It was a right with svovlporresvamp and caviar. So it was a vegetarian dish, and I am otherwise absolutely not known to be particularly fond of vegetarian dishes.