perhaps The hottest klickraketen throughout the weekend week seven, as tens of thousands of people, printed on our like-button, was perhaps somewhat surprising for a new research study conducted at the University of Queensland in Australia. How the results of the study were described, to people who like gin and tonic have larger brains, made it the perfect material for social media. Just Aftonbladet-page English cut facebookpublicering has over 2,000 comments. Almost all the comments consist of people who tags their friends, which is not surprising considering that Aftonbladet-page English cut invites those who see the post to do it.

where a single research study is used to create social media engagement, and high recognition value are published constantly. For just over a year ago, for example, Aftonbladet stuck to gin-lovers not only have larger brains but are also sexier than the other people and 2015 linked Nöjesguiden together the gin and tonic with sociopathic traits. In this case, the University of Queensland is already in their press release presented the study to ”people who love tonicvatten may have bigger brains”.

So, study shows that people who like gin and tonic have bigger brains? Well, not really.

In the study, which will be published in the journal Behavioural Brain Research researchers have examined how the relative stoleken in different parts of the brain correlate with how cute the respective bitter taste is perceived. The participants, 1.660 people, got a taste of five home and four sweet solutions, and then give a subjective assessment on the basis of a scale of how sweet each home they found smakarna.

One of the three bitter flavors, which were reported separately was quinine, a substance often used to analyze the perceived beskhet and which is also used to flavor tonicvatten. The researchers were able to perceive a pattern where the size of the different regions of the brain korellerade with a change in the intensity in how sweet the respective bitter taste was perceived in six and four to seven regions.

the researchers could find between the relative size of the left entorinala the bark and the quinine.

”the Connection between the volume of the left entorinala the bark and how bitter quinine is perceived is correlation and not causality. Whether such a causality, there are is an interesting question. A higher tolerance for bitter tastes could lead you to consume more of such tastes, and that this could lead to the brain grow more. Or it could be that people with a larger brain perceives tastes more bitter.”, writes Daniel Hwang, lead author of the study, in an email to DN.

In the study, the researchers have taken away the effect of a larger brain as a whole would have, which means that a larger brain in itself does not necessarily mean that quinine is perceived less bitter. In principle, however, a larger left entorinala the bark of a larger brain, even if the study can’t answer the question about total brain sizes, according to David Hwang.

as a less bitter does not mean that you appreciate gin and tonic as a drink more, because some people to appreciate bitter flavors.

”That something is bitter doesn’t mean that it tastes better. This can be the case when it comes to children because we humans naturally dislike bitter flavors as a defense system against toxic food. But, as we age, our preferences change, we ’teach’ ourselves to like bitter foods because we know they are not toxic. I know of several, in particular elderly people who prefer bitter drinks in front of the sweet”, continuing the David Hwang.

Read more: Amina Manzoor: Why is the research about food and health so confusing