SONG IS life is poor. When we are born, screaming we. Shakespeare claims that we are crying once we are out of the womb because we have come to “this great stage of fools”, this narrenes big scene. But is it really so? Perhaps it is not crying, but the song we expel. And possibly we are happy because we have come to a huge stage where we can cheer and sing as loud as we want. As newborns, we have admittedly not yet learned how harmoniene that creates melodies. But is not barnegråt the most original of all music?

SOON ENOUGH WILL be tears replaced by laughter. More contagious laughter than the one that comes rolling from the small children who have just learned the art, does not exist. If we cry when we are born, as king Lear at Shakespeare claims, we could be added to that not long afterward, the laughs we, for the same reason. We soon discovers that the world is full of clowns and jesters, both voluntary and involuntary. “Where the laughter ends, begins the madness,” as Jens Bjørneboe expressed it. Or as Frederick Stack has said it: “he that is not able to maintain a stiffened smile in everyday life, is moody.”

our little girls love jokes. Once a new Donald-blade coming in the mail, I read vitsesida high. All is in truth not as good, but they have a high toleranseterskel. Everything goes. They laugh and laugh. They also have their own jokes. Here is the one from the åtteåringen: There once was two tomatoes that were across the road. First went the one. It went very well. So went to the other. It also went well. Then said the first: “Ugh, now destroyed you the whole idea.”

SONG AND LAUGHTER. Had to follow them. They sing from morning to night. Melodies flowing from the utømmelig sources. The oldest loves opera and has some himmelstormende performances. The other sings leseleksene and transforms simple children’s books to the pure musicals. “It’s much more fun to do homework when the man sings, you understand, dad.” One learns something new every day. In each case, so long as you have small children.