the Oulu university class teacher student organization has removed the meeting room his wall to be marshal of the Carl Gustaf Mannerheim the image after receiving the topic of the university professor e-mail message. The image was the organization of the premises for all to see in public spaces.

the Image to remove the ask university sociology professor Vesa Puuronen .

– my Message is not related to just this picture, but the fact that the student organization has arranged for first-year students competition, where one part is a selfie-taking a picture of “Marshal” with, tell Puuronen Yle.

the Professor’s opinion of your selfie taking is associated with the image to ihailtujen and fans qualifying with people.

that’s Why I its image and its competition I interpreted the.

Puuronen students from sending email-said Tuesday the true finns mps Sebastian Tynkkynen on Twitter. Tynkkynen publishing the message in the service of the professor and the student organization of the correspondence between.

Puuronen, according to mannerheim’s image is a person’s conflicting history because of the fit student organization meeting space on the wall.

for Students sending the e-mail in Puuronen said the students and the organization had taken uncritically marshal mannerheim’s popular as. In addition, he said Students have been after the winter war race thinking supporter.

the Professor refers to in his letter including family history and mannerheim’s responsibility for the civil war still early deaths.

– Mannerheim is a very contradictory person. His activity is associated with many such features, which can’t have special support as or particularly desirable. And for that reason I agree that the student organization is seeking this sort of action to control their own membership to this person with admiration.

Vesa Puuronen.Sauli Antikainen / Yle

the Message after a student organization removed from the competition Mannerheim on the selfie-picture-share. Professor denies pressuring that students.

I’m Not that weird, more pressured. I called. Just the same I would certainly intervene if there I’d any other inappropriate image seen.

Puuronen did not specify who the other person in the picture he should have taken. But I don’t think there according to him, the swastika flag either would be allowed to hang down. Instead, for example, Minna canth’s a picture of the professor will be happy to see the wall.

the Professor’s own family history related to mannerheim was.

– I have a family history or a close family persons, whose fate has been determined by the Mannerheim league action basis.

Puuronen according to this, therefore, related to their own personal affairs, your own personal family history and most common social factors.

the Overeating is not reached Tuesday night, Oulu, class teacher student association:the president of Sara Hagelbergiä for an interview.

Vesa Puuronen has worked previously as a researcher, lecturer and professor of Joensuu, Lapland, Kuopio and university of Eastern Finland. His research has been associated, inter alia, racism.

Puuronen is also the left alliance councillor in Rovaniemi. He has belonged to the previous Finnish communist party.

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