If there is something the entertainment industry have indulged in our era as it is to pick up the silly old characters and say something like: Can we make an entire movie, book – indeed, whole industries – around the where we decide to take on the deadly serious? Can we keep a straight face while we make something dark and adult Batman? We can do känslodrypande tonårsromantik of a hell of a vampyrhistoria? We can take the zombie, the pajigaste of all pajiga parodiaction-splatterfigurerna and ask ourselves the question: Would you not be able to do drama with sorrow, and relationships of a story about how people turned into undead hjärnätande monster?

Well, for once even the favoritfaster suddenly want to eat even the brain occurs of feelings, realized the creators of ”The walking dead”. In the autumn, has the tenth season premiere. The story shall continue for ten years to have the channel said.

Superhjältefilmerna is another side of this coin. Soon no figure in his childhood comic books failed to be lifted in a lavish film adaptation with the theatrical release on christmas day.

the future, when we get a dark reboot of the ”Greta Gris” where Mrs. Rabbit (as in the children’s program has all kinds of job) a lot as she does to get back on their feet after a life of text loans, drugs and compulsive gambling.

I fear for the future, when we get a dark reboot of the ”Greta Gris”.

But totally incomprehensible, have an iconic figure not had their culture the restoration: the ninja. Why? It is japanese, it is historic. It is elegant martial arts, secret societies and a moral quagmire – for the historical model to the ninja was a mix of hitman, mercenary and secret agent. The word ninja became common first in the 1900s and particularly in the west, the real concept is the s hinobi. They tend to be linked to the feudal Japan in the 1400s, a period of constant war. But also one where the noble samurai followed strict ideals of both life and battle. It created an opening for the people as against the payment were willing to take skitgörat that a samurai could not stoop to. Sneak, be fooled. Assassinate.

The original ninja was a market participant in competition with the low morale. But it just makes the story better. A ljusskyggt company on the fringes of society, admirable for their abilities, but deserving of contempt for his ethics. Remember how ”the Sopranos” managed the american mafia or ”Sons of anarchy” portrayed the criminal motorcycle gangs. Clearly there is room for great fiction here.

But no. Instead, the marked lists of the best ninjafilmer of titles such as ”Super ninja bikini babes”.

the phenomenal to the masterful japanese studio From software has addressed the ninja in its latest game, ”Sekiro: Shadows die twice”. Play as a shinobi who begins the game with a livvaktsuppdrag. Man loses arm, gets a high-tech prosthesis. You swing with the rope and hook, sneak, surprise and fight. It is well-made, dimmed and gravallvarligt. Very far from ”Super ninja bikini babes”.

About what you can expect from From software, developers of the ”Bloodborne” and the games in the series ”Dark souls”. My attitude towards them is moderate and balanced: They are the highest artistic datorspelsvärlden has ever produced. So far (I have stuck a bit at an early bossfajt) appears to be ”Sekiro: Shadows die twice” as worthily and with From software.

Maybe it can be the start of ninjans popkulturella restoration. Well, it wasn’t just I who surreptitiously made throwing stars in the craft?