Should we ban mobiles in classrooms? Yes, at least if you want results. If this seems to all be in agreement.

when the students have the mobiles available so the same thing happens with them as with the adults: Their concentration fails, they are listening with a half ear, and not hanging with, because they are simultaneously engaged in social media and chats, and everything else that is not teaching to do.

It is fully understandable that it will be so. Sites and apps are, after all, built to suck in users and keep them. This has a very negative impact on learning, which several studies have already demonstrated.

the Faith – not to say over-reliance – is really unheard of to the new technology and what it can do for the kids, for society, yes, for the whole världstillståndet.

also, Torkel Klingberg, professor in cognitive neuroscience, a journal article (Svenska Dagbladet, 23/2). His conclusion of the research on how the human brain works is that we should strive for a classroom that is quiet and free from distractions as possible.

Which is the opposite of what new technology usually makes in lärosammanhanget.

”We would never introduce a new drug to patients without first doing a thorough examination,” writes Torkel Klingberg. ”The starting point is that every new drug should be regarded as idle and potentially harmful until the contrary is proven through large, controlled research studies. But when it comes to children’s learning, we abandon all those principles and introduces new technology without anyone taking responsibility.”

right. The faith – not to say over-reliance – is really unheard of to the new technology and what it can do for the kids, for society, yes, for the whole världstillståndet.

The national digitaliseringsstrategin for the school system begins with the statement: ”Digital competence is fundamentally a question of democracy.” But it is never really why.

The lasting impression is rather that the school be digitized for the digital own sake. And without to investigate the consequences, what you actually want to achieve with this, except cirkelargumentet that you want to create digital literacy, and that it is a question of democracy.

What is digital literacy? To know how the mobiles, tablets and computers work? To keep track of different apps and how to use them?

Both the hard – and software is developed and becomes dated after one season. And they are both so readily available that the use is not something you need to learn or train on. It is there where their main purpose: to suck in users and keep them.

something useful arrives instead entirely on how well you manage to cope with information overload and to critically examine the sources. What children – and adults, for that matter – need to be able to use the technology is, therefore, expertise. Able to evaluate the plethora of data that pours across the one, and avoid to overload the working memory.

Used so, the right way, technology can be a great door opener to a new world of knowledge, just waiting to be explored. But it presupposes, therefore, that the children only use it as a supplement, and get their education elsewhere. Very little point to it is this scenario we are moving towards.

According to Åke Grönlund, professor in informatics, it costs 6 000 sek per child and year to keep everyone with a personal computer in accordance with the bet that is now done in Sweden. It becomes quickly large amounts of. The money will reasonably need to be taken from the rest of the teaching.

As a teacher and debater Isaac Skogstad pointed out, shows a SKL-study to katederundervisningen in schools with student computers only amounts to approximately 16 per cent. The rest of the time is devoted to lärarlöst work – which, of course, the disadvantage of the socio-economically vulnerable students. It is they who most need support and guidance.

Actually does not have high use of technology in the school has led to increased knowledge and better results in a single country, shows the OECD’s report on the computer use and achievement.

a ”question of democracy” is always. Just in a completely different way than teknikentusiasterna think.