It is usually said that there are no real quick fixes, quick easy solutions, but those who claim this have not heard of kameraövervakningens merits.

And, you get to forgive them. The crime prevention council summary of current state of research came in the middle of december and drowned well, in all christmas sounds. However, the reviewed studies clearly shows that security cameras can make a big difference. At least as regards certain types of crimes, and at least in some places. And provided that it is clear that someone follows what happens in real time and put into action.

other thefts are of such offences. Setting up cameras in car parks reduce crime by 37 per cent, in residential areas, with 12 per cent. It is a lot.

It did not appear to be that the crime just moves a few meters out of sight. Total reduces by 13% in the whole area, if there is a camera set up somewhere. In some studies, there were also vague indications that crime also decreased in surrounding areas.

the Cameras may be a witness when others do not want to or dare to.

What comes up the city and violent crime have cameras as good as no effect, which could be explained by the kind of acts are often impulsive and therefore not based on rational consideration: People who are full, and start picking outside the pub at closing thinking not after.

It is not as effective to put up cameras in, for example, city centers, that is to say, places teeming with people and where it is easy to make themselves anonymous and disappear in the way.

a clear disadvantage: It is an invasion of privacy to be filmed. However, it is also an invasion of privacy to tassa around and be afraid. In a time when all the shooting and filming the wild, with mobile cameras and also has the right to it, it can not be said to make much of a difference for privacy that the people filmed by the well-announced surveillance cameras on particularly crime-public places. Especially as the gain is so clear.

in addition, many crimes also becomes much easier to investigate and clear up when gärningspersonerna caught on film. The cameras may be a witness when others do not want to or dare to.

the streets and squares from the criminal gangs who have taken possession of them. When they pull away, dare the locals out again. Not bad for a quick fix. And if it would be combined with the diligent efforts from the social services and the police? Who knows how much insecurity it would be able to save us, how many outrage.