the executive directors in the largest Danish companies keep lønfest. Several with wage increases of over 40 percent – while Novo sticking with 82 percent at two years shows a inventory, the stock market has made.

the Newspaper has reviewed the accounts for the C25-companies, which so far has passed the annual report for the year 2018.

Companies such as Novo Nordisk, Carlsberg and FLSmidth is located in the top, when it comes to rewarding the ceo.

Thus, the best paid – Carlsberg’s ceo, Cees ’t Hart – the pleasure of a total remuneration package of 52.5 million Danish kroner, which is equivalent to a wage increase of 45,4 percent over the past two years.

Insulingiganten, Novo Nordisk, providing, however, the largest lønspring to topchefen. Here is the salary package for the company’s ceo increased by almost 82 percent over the past two years. In 2016, got Lars Rebien Sørensen button 23 million, while his replacement Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen got 41 million dollars in 2018, writes Børsen.

At FLSmidth can topchefen, Thomas Schulz, also laugh all the way to the bank with an increase of 58 percent over two years. (the article continues under the picture)

Carlsberg’s ceo, Cees ’t Hart, is the top scorer among the Danish top executives. Photo: Carsten Bundgaard/Ritzau Scanpix

the stock Exchange has tried in vain to get comments from Novo nordisk and FLSmidth to company executives remuneration packages. But in an email writes, Carlsberg’s chairman of the board, stjerneforsker and professor of nanotechnology, Flemming Besenbacher:

’the Remuneration reflects signed contracts, which are closely connected with the results … it reflects an international comparison as well as the group’s strong financial results … the remuneration of the governors reflects that they, in particular, have delivered on our financial targets.’ (the article continues under the picture)

Topchefen for Novo, Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen, can rejoice over the greatest lønhop on the whole 82 percent of the salary package as Lars Rebien got in 2016. Photo: Melissa Kühn Hjerrild/Ritzau Scanpix

With companies such as DSV, Ørsted, Novozymes and Rockwool have the executive directors received salary increases of between 19 and 45 percent, shows the Pipeline of review.

The high wage increases must be viewed in light of the growing debate about increasing inequalities and erhvervsbossernes greed, as several executives and politicians have warned against. In denmark, for example, the former conservative leader, Per Stig Møller, the ISS ceo Jeff Gravenhorst, and the often contentious Ørsted-ceo, Henrik Poulsen.

In an interview with Berlingske said Henrik Poulsen before the new year, that he could well understand if the danes believe that his salary is on the border of the insane’.

Therefore, it also criticism from, among others, political teams, as Ørsted (former Dong) presented its 2018 inventory. Here it was revealed that Henrik poulsen’s salary package has increased by 27.5 percent in two years. (the article continues under the picture)

Henrik Poulsen is concerned about the development, with rising inequality. But he scoops even money, to an extent, so his descendants for many generations can dandere in the hammock. Photo: Jens Dresling/Ritzau Scanpix

Both he and Ørsted, the chairman of the board, however, has refused to appear in The article.

Both the Danish Aktionærforening and the big Danish investor, ATP, is critical of the enormous increase in directors ‘ remuneration.

Novo Nordisk has subsequently made Extra Magazine and the stock Exchange note that in 2016, where Lars Rebien Sørensen was ceo of Novo was aktieincitamentsprogrammet not included in the financial statements.