the Relationship between the four alliansledarna can be described as cool after that C and L chose to negotiate with the social democrats and the green Party. But the Conservatives and the christian democrat partiledningar still hope that the Alliance will agree again. And it looks like that contact intensified after The centre party’s ‘ no ‘ to Stefan Löfven on Monday.
After the Centre party voted against Stefan Löfven during fredagsmorgonens statsministeromröstning got Annie Lööf the question of whether it may be appropriate to negotiate with Stefan Löfven again. Centerledaren closed no doors.
” We will continue to be constructive. Sweden needs a government and then you need to be prepared to give and take, to compromise in order to be able to find a way.
at the same time, she says to DN that she met their four allianskolleger during the week.
– My proposal is still on the table in regeringsfrågan and all the means that the Alliance holds together and looking for broad blocköverskridande solutions. But when they were not possible, because they are blocked by S or M, it was because we broke the deadlock and began to initiate sharp negotiations with a’s that landed here in a week.
” I hit my allianskollegor continuously. Also this week I have met my allianskollegor. From my perspective there is cooperation between our four parties continued.
” We meet on a regular basis, continuously. We have done this in decades. We have a lot that unites us, and it is quite clear part that separates us.
According to the KD-leader Ebba Busch Thor has alliansledarna all the time been in regular contact, but adds that it has not been the same location during the last week.
“It is clear that it is difficult to have ongoing negotiations with the Alliance when the two allianspartier sits and negotiates with the S so it is of natural reasons,” she says.
the Liberals ‘ Jan Björklund lamented after Friday’s vote, where his party voted no to the Leaves, to the Centre party chose to jump of the plans for a mittenkonstellation. Now it is up to the president to take the next step, ” says Björklund. About Andreas Norlén proposes Ulf Kristersson and the prime minister must Liberals convene its partiråd to take the position. L-the leader does not want to dödförklara the Alliance completely.
the Alliance has resurfaced many times through the years when it has been torn apart for various reasons. We’ll see what happens. Even if we go separate ways right now, I believe that it is important for the next parliamentary elections to try and get a alliansmajoritet.
Read more: the Question that was Loof to terminate the cooperation with the Video:
Read more: After the decision: the President is preparing a possible additional elections
Read more: Parliament votes ‘ no ‘ for Löfven as prime minister