It may sound peaceful, but underneath the surface bubbles a fierce internal showdown in the Left.

– I’m partiloyal, but I try to influence the process, there is right now.

this is the sound of the words from the Liberal party boligordfører and regionsmedlem, Carsten Kissmeyer, on the front page of today’s Telegraph.

the Left-the man put together with a number of other party members pressure on the Danish prime minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen.

V-the president must keep their hands to themselves, and forget your thoughts about shutting down the regions, says more and more V-people.

– the Health service in Jutland should not be controlled from Copenhagen. It is quite central for me. I’m also not happy that the directly elected politicians seem to disappear. There should be some politicians who are immediately and directly responsible, says Carsten Kissmeyer in addition to the newspaper.

the Other day wrote the presidents of the Liberal party 54 regionsmedlemmer an open letter to Lars Løkke Rasmussen, in which they called for to preserve the regions.

Søren Gade, former minister and group chairman, has also spoken out against the plans for closure.

the Prime minister did in his new year speech is not entirely clear whether the regions will soon be turning the key on.

– In the new year, I will present my suggestions for sound improvements. Based in 21 new sundhedsfællesskaber quite close, built on the staff’s professionalism. And where we really put the patient before the system, said the prime minister, on fol.a. in his speech.

In august, Lars Løkke on Facebook sommergruppemøde however, somewhat more talkative. Here more than he opened for a shutdown.

– It may well be that it’s going to do something about the regions, he said.

According to Extra Magazine and other media information comes to the dispute over the regions up at an internal meeting of the Left in the morning and evening.

There are 205 elected regionspolitikere in Denmark, which is facing a fyreseddel.

Both the Conservatives and the Liberal Alliance and the Danish people’s Party is ready to close the regions.