Bad experiences comes wisdom. Therefore, the difference can teach many things about life and relationships. Women tell the difference between barren of doctrines.The Video tells the most common reasons for divorce. “If I could get the time back, I would resign”

“Give yourself time, and be yourself merciful” is the best advice that I got from the process of separation during. If I could get the time back, I would resign. I would try to figure out the situation more diplomatic.

the Difference was definitely the biggest mistake of my life. They go and have a good relationship with a good man and loving partner. I did it from the pälkähdys. Judgement use, and their own feelings of the encounter is the wise teaching, which the difference is provided. Unfortunately, I had to learn that pain the process of separation.

the Difference should really consider before doing anything, especially if there is no really serious reason to resign (for example, violence, the connection of game rules violation…). A number of people in your mind imagine the post-divorce life easier, cooler and more comfortable, than what it actually is.

however, the Reality is pretty stark: continue to hate and longing and grief. Also the constant worry about the future and how to find out the practical things can be at first paralyzing.

in fact, I no longer simply to start again a relationship. I couldn’t take anymore, outpatient or divorce. I don’t dare to fall in love. The streets, even if it is not beneficial. My project is still in progress and currently feel that if I can do this ever.

I still Love the former partner. However, I want her to be happy in his life. I’m no longer into that equation covered. Away from challenging and painful oppiläksy is letting go.

“don’t be that miserable mother, who rips children from his father”

If the children love their father and they have it right, don’t be that miserable mother, who rips children from his father’s departure time.

the Kids still remember the year I get word for word they scream and preach that to my ex I like, because I wasn’t happy. I stopped loving him, the children were everything to me. Slowly I abandoned the man, until he was just down the road, “one of the kids”, like many other women my age said.

but that kind of behaviour violates the man inside. The remaining hollow shell, which the children are met.

And when the child is the image that the father loves them, mom hates dad, especially during puberty of children with terrible, terrible place, when the child does not get under control. Guess who they will contact in problem situations? Or guess, where the child is not turn a week loppuina going to get out? Father, dad and even a father once.

And it’s not even the fact that his father spoiled child, but because the father cares and gives time, help with school work as my FATHER! Mother run the home, take care of food and other daily things.

MOSTPHOTOS”Change to new locations immediately after the divorce,”

If possible, change to new locations immediately after the divorce. This way you don’t run into the former and not the need to analyse the difference between a good day of the familiar with.

Not happy about it, you don’t need to meet any more relatives. It sucks in general, came unannounced to the village, review all possible and more!

Enjoy the freedom to move, to the gym, the cafes and the eating – alone, because that is moving you get to know new people.

Divorce is good to know that some idiots will remember you only for the fact that you are “the ex”.

therefore, It makes a good change a good distance from the former. Thus, you get to be yourself, and no one’s going to fuck with the difference or ask him inappropriate things.

Boldly, but to move forward, without the unpleasant former. Good but when you get rid of, if the relationship didn’t feel good. Forget the former!

“Trying to keep money stashed away in a sudden changes for”

Unfortunately, I learned that I can’t trust but himself.

“in sickness and in health” is not true. I never got a clear answer or reason why your partner’s behavior changed such that I had to leave out. Mail the divorce papers behind.

the Situation seemed incredible. Not any explanation. The push to work six days a week for the next six months to get my finances in order and I’m glad I got to work more to think about.

lesson number two: try to keep some money aside for sudden changes.

a year and a Half now, the event I’ve left erosurut back and accept that the best I’ve done and I don’t happened nothing you can do.

I rejoice in my freedom and I can do what I want.

MOSTPHOTOS”Equal relationship cannot be built on broken basis”

for Myself, two long relationship and for the first 16 years relationship after living alone for six years. Relations were inappropriate partners and I recognize this, I was able to break away from the isolation of fear.

Previous difference is ten months and I just met a divorced and broken man. Both recognize that equal a healthy relationship can build on this basis.

the Top went so fast you couldn’t control the pace of the drug. Both the awareness of this time, that this is the partner that feels right. The man realized, fortunately, end the relationship with the “so far”, because there is still actually broken näisempi your own life situation.

Although I miss that man, I appreciate him so much that he crashed in my neck of grief work, and anxiety, although openly told you about her situation. This man aware of the broken näisyyteen and it didn’t jump from a relationship to another “save”, tell of strength.

Sorry, but move on with my life. Inside of me secretly wishes that one day he’ll contact you, if you are ready to start a new relationship with me. The first time the man stopped a great relationship, and I don’t feel left out.

“Prefer to live rather alone,”

the Best advice: I have time, I’m smart and my self esteem.

I broke aviopuolisostani partly because he raped me repeatedly in marriage, using mental and physical violence, to subjugate, belittle and blame.

I Know parting from that this man will never change, but she continued with him to his grave lifestyle. I didn’t want to ever know what was going through his head after my children and myself for the defense and the man in the head, it just took my health and my children.

I’d Rather live sooner alone than take the ass because I wake up a minute too late man schedule. Now I have the freedom and my kids, me and my life, 12 years too marriage after a year.

I Enjoy my life, when I’m single. I go or I go, I get to decide its own spending without asking anyone anything. Possessive my ex taught me that no one is allowed to go, except him. But now after 2010 I am infinitely happy, because I’m not chained to a jealous, life-killing, toxic relationship

the Thing is published for the first time 06.09.2018.