the Conservative justispolitiske spokesperson Peter Christian Frølich will reduce the minstestraffen for rape. He thinks it is too high, and that the courts of this reason are reluctant to condemn the defendant in the voldtektssaker. Frølich, says to Klassekampen that minstestraffen of three years may deter the courts from judging. As in the debate whether the jury is Right-the politician most concerned about lekdommernes strength in this kind of cases. The purpose of a lower minstestraff should be to get more convicted of rape.
Peter Christian Frølich will take the question about minstestraff into regjeringsforhandlingene of the year. Where is there any way that he can get support from the Left, but not from the progress party. Also the bar association is concerned that the high minstestraffen can lead to the unreasonably strict penalties, up to and including the incorrect frifinnelser. Frølichs initiative thus has a certain amount of support, and must be taken seriously.
multiple predators will get their deserved punishment, is undoubtedly a good justispolitisk goals. The method now proposed is, however, in conflict with the central principles in the rettslæren. The requirements for evidence, and bevisvurderingen, will not change if minstestraffen is three, two or one year. The court can not take easier on the issue of guilt because straffereaksjonen is milder. A overgrepsdom will hang by a human being throughout his life.
on the other hand are a variety of of other methods that can change the legal situation in the voldtektssaker. It is particularly about how the police are investigating and what resources are allocated to this area. For a short time ago, VG 4 213 completed voldtektssaker in the period 2015 to 2017. All 3 526 of cases, corresponding to 83.7 percent, were dismissed because the prosecution thought the evidence not held to the conviction. There are also major differences between the police districts. In the west police district ended up only 9.5 per cent of the voldtektssakene with the indictment against 18.7 per cent in Nordland county and 18.5 in Oslo.
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These figures do not give the exact picture of the quality of the police work with voldtektssaker, but is a clear indication that the results can be improved. Henleggelsene are too many and the difference in the number of prosecutions of his poem too much. It does not make the situation easier that the number of cases increases and that saksbehandlingstida now is far away from the deadline set by the director of public prosecutions. Thorough investigation, the investigation and quick straffereaksjon is constantly the best remedy when it comes to combating rape and other crimes.